Whole Food Plant Based Hangout – Tami Kramer's Nutmeg Notebook Live #153

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Tom & Tami Kramer of Nutmeg Notebook host a Whole Food Plant Based Hangout. – Nutmeg Notebook Live #153 – Return from …

7 replies
  1. Laurie Hoer
    Laurie Hoer says:

    Just a comment about sea sickness meds/patches. I get terribly seasick but I have discovered an incredible over-the-counter medication called Meclizine. We have sailed to Antarctica on a Russian ice breaker in the most treacherous water in the world (Drake's Strait) with 40' waves and we had to hold onto our beds or fall out! And we were not sick at all with the once-a-day pill. It doesn't make you drowsy either so it is a winner. We are big scuba divers and I never get on a boat without Meclizine!!

  2. Marlene Weden
    Marlene Weden says:

    …????my husband and I started eating plant based one month ago! He had a Dr. Appt. Today and his Dr . Took him off his high blood pressure meds today! Yay 😀. He’s lost at least 20 lbs. I am so happy for him. He works on the roof and drinks plenty of water 💦 but starts to feel faint and dizzy 😵‍💫… what do you suggest???? And , on that note I haven’t lost anything!😭????


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