Week 93 Keto and Intermittent Fasting Results | No Weigh in May | Staying off the scale this month

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Hey guys! 93 weeks of my Keto and Intermittent journey and while I don’t have actual Keto results for you (number on the scale) …

10 replies
  1. mainelydeb
    mainelydeb says:

    You’re doing so great!! I know how hard it must be for you but you could get to a point that it will become a habit “not” to weigh every day. But don’t beat yourself up if you don’t. You have done it for so many years and it will take a while to form a new habit. But I am very impressed with how well you are doing! ❤️

  2. Dual Wellness
    Dual Wellness says:

    You are sounding like you are in a good place with this. It's weird because it is so hard to stop weighing when that is what you have done for so long! Theoretically, it should not be that difficult but it is!

  3. Tammy Holloway
    Tammy Holloway says:

    You are talking to me. I have been in a stall for several months. I haven't weighed all month. I stopped because it was stressing me out. Now iam to afraid I will be upset if I haven't lost again.

  4. Your Pal Misty
    Your Pal Misty says:

    I love that your channel is growing and people are hearing your message.

    Understanding our body without a scale is a huge NSV.

    FYI – You don’t owe us anything including a number from a machine. However, I get what you mean about wanting to give updates. No judgment from me either way but please do what is best for you.

  5. Mary Nickerson
    Mary Nickerson says:

    Great video Stephy. I have a question, do you think flipping back & forth on egg fast, dirty keto, carnivore gets our system confused instead of staying consistent on dirty keto or carnivore? Just curious on your thoughts. 🤷🏻‍♀️


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