Week 133 Keto Results | Scale Update | Are you struggling right now?! #ketoresults #weightloss

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Hey guys! Week 133 of my keto journey! I have some keto results for you with a scale update and we chat more about the …

15 replies
  1. Geoffrey Bowe
    Geoffrey Bowe says:

    Hi Stephy ,the more of your videos I see the more I realise your not only incredible but totally amazing and awesome. You. Can encourage people better than anybody else. Your doing such a great job not only for yourself but to all of us. Loved your shirt. Congrats on this week's weight loss.

  2. Michelle Nardi
    Michelle Nardi says:

    I am in with ya Steph! I have been wanting to do OMAD, but haven't in a bit. I usually keep my fasting windows between 4-6 hours so I should think I would do alright with it. It is way harder when you have a family to cook for and have to smell the food, but I have found when I eat between 2-3pm it keeps me going through cooking dinner, etc. You are doing so great!


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