Tuesday Talk | House Update | Can You Actually Control the Scale?

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Tuesday Talk | House Update | Can You Actually Control the Scale? I highly highly recommend this video from @myzerocarblife …

49 replies
  1. YB E
    YB E says:

    The Kelly Hogan interview the Ben Bikman was so informative. It was the first time I had heard of him. I think he really knows what he's talking about.

  2. Holly Green
    Holly Green says:

    My mom is 83 and she still does Jazzercise, live, at home. She casts it to the TV. When that doesn't work she finds a program on you tube. Sadly, she slipped on the ice this winter and broke her wrist so she will not be golfing this summer.

  3. Gail Lucas
    Gail Lucas says:

    Anita, you are pointing to what performance and personal growth experts have long proposed—-a system over goal mindset. The inherent problem with any goal is that you are failing until it is met. Whereas with a focus on methodology and developing effective techniques for consistent practice (the variables we can control)–goal completion naturally occurs. Simple does not mean easy.

  4. Cassie Oz
    Cassie Oz says:

    We need to get rid of the word 'control' because its one of those all-or-nothing concepts. Modern folks have been sold a lie about being in control of their lives and futures. I dont even use the word when talking to clients and substituted 'influence' because it moderates expectations

  5. librarianlovesrick
    librarianlovesrick says:

    Gen X Women – Please help! Since there are similar cases as mine that watch Anita's channel — I got into the 150s during the 2020 lockdowns (won't write the C-word), I only want to lose those freakin 15 pounds but it seems impossible for me to get anywhere!! Are there any GenX women about age 51 that can give me advice!! Before lockdowns, my usual weight was always 130s-140s. I just want to pull all my little clothes out and fit into those again! I do Keto-vore but then, when I don't have success (on the scales), it causes me to cave and have slip-ups! (I should note, I'm not menopause yet

  6. Kimba P
    Kimba P says:

    It certainly is hard. Especially for most postmenopausal women who have 33-40+ lbs to lose. The hormone shift is real. Most women are not designed to be super lean to begin with (there are some genetic exceptions who are generally very lean their entire life) so the female anatomy already fights hard to lose too much fat. But the changes are absolutely still possible late in life with consistency over time. One needs both those variables, consistency and for the long haul. Most of us think, and are in the practice of (especially in our younger years) doing all the right things for a period of time, reach the results or something close to it, and go back to our previous ways of living, and before you know it we’re back at square one. These patterns of action/living slip back in place so unconsciously! “Staying the course” must be incorporated for the long game. Again, and for “seniors,” the work must be meticulously consistent, because a cheat of garbage, sugar spiking, empty caloric energy every weekend is like having all of your tires punctured every mile on the highway… it literally drags the already slow metabolic changes to a tortoise crawl. Our systems have slowed down and we must command our physiology to literally rise to the occasion, again with consistency and time. But wait, there’s more! If I can get up and down from a low-seated chair (preferably a foot stool) without using hands, or leaning my upper body forward to shift the weight off my glutes, in other words my torso must be upright like the back of the chair 🪑, and do that easily 15+ times, then it’s time to add weight on my shoulders. Maybe only ten pounds to start. Otherwise my body has adapted and there is no longer a demand for muscle growth. If I don’t have weights, I squat lower, back straighter, and go slower. I can hold a gallon jug of water just like a kettlebell. I can fill a sandbag or two and hold them over my shoulders as I squat in the same way. I’m offering squats because they incorporate the largest muscle groups that use up a lot of the excess energy stores we ideally want to tap into. If I’m struggling to do 8 or less reps, then thats my new goal for the next several weeks to adapt to getting easier. As it does, muscle is developing, I’m getting stronger and my physiology will use up excess fat storage, so long as I’m not increasing my energy intake. Our fat burning skeletal muscle decreases as we age, but we can absolutely call upon them to wake up and start working again! This is just some helpful love for anyone willing and needing another perspective. 🖖🏽💙

  7. Fronnie Bealer
    Fronnie Bealer says:

    Your video was motivational. I even went outside and picked up a rock that I can use to do exercises from my chair. However, I got lackadaisical about it. I appreciate the reminder about that video. I had a hard time getting it to load, then forgot about it. I wish you lots of energy to do everything you have to get done.

  8. Noa Bernstein
    Noa Bernstein says:

    Tuesday is always my busiest day of the week and it's usually 10PM when I am done with everything. No matter how tired I am, I will alwyas watch your Tuesday talk and end my day with it. I just love it, thank you!

  9. Bonnie
    Bonnie says:

    ❤ so happy that my fb post came at the right time for you! Today’s video is spot on as usual! Goals and post-it notes followed by discouragement! We all just need to remember our “why” and not let that darn scale control us! I love your comment about the kind of people that you hang out with, who we follow…. you are such an inspiration and a good mentor! Happy Tuesday everyone!

  10. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Yay! I really hope that your house inspection doesn't require you to bulldoze and start over, lol. I will send positive thoughts that all will work out the way it is supposed to be. I loved your talk this week. I tend to want to control things and I know that most of my life is way outside my control. I cannot set specific goals like losing pounds in a certain amount of time as it tends to make me anxious about failing or succeeding. If I fail, I didn't do well. If I succeed, that means I have to find another higher mountain to climb. I watched Kelly Hogan's and Dr. Bikman's video and it was so good. I was enthused to keep up with what I am doing and that this way of life is the best one for me.

  11. Paula Berlund
    Paula Berlund says:

    Another carnivore You tuber found "Buy me a coffee" was stealing the money. I sent you money while you were in Austin from this site and need to know you got it. He is telling people to stop using this. Just need to know you got the money. Thanks Anita

  12. azkat15
    azkat15 says:

    Loved the video with Ben Bicman! Thanks for all you do to inspire us. After months of ups and downs, I feel like I'm finally on track. It just took a lot of experimenting. I eat 80/20 most days and have recently been incorporating 3-4 day fast twice a month. I'm doing things that I never thought I could. That's been half the journey for me, along with recognizing that if I just follow my plan and make changes for my health when needed, I will be able to move forward in my health journey. Sometimes that includes weight loss sometimes not. watching your videos have been a huge help these past 6 months, so thank you.

  13. Paula Berlund
    Paula Berlund says:

    I so agree. I just unsubscribed from a channel I liked but the comments became too toxic and that's not for me. I want to be happy and a positive support in our community. ❤❤ that's what I love about you and your channel.

  14. Stephen Goad
    Stephen Goad says:

    Really good talk this week. In many ways I hate setting goals such as I will lose this much weight by such a time as that is really meaningless. The diabetic nurse at my annual check up is always wanting me to set goals but I consider doing that is much the same as making New Year resolutions – pointless. I think my main goal is to lose some weight but I’m not going to specify how much or by when. I will do what i can to at least try to lose some weight.
    Best wishes with the house.

  15. Little Willow  🎵
    Little Willow 🎵 says:

    Be positive or negative is a choice you make. ❤ As I get older I am learning that I can't always be in control of some situations. I will say to myself " Let it Be" helps me to let it go.

  16. Mart Grigsby
    Mart Grigsby says:

    This is such a great video with so much thought provoking information. I was raised to believe I HAD to be in control of EVERYTHING. It took me years to realize it was like beating my head against a concrete wall. I try to leave things I can’t control in Gods hands. Being controlling is exhausting.
    Thanks for the referral to Kelly Hogans video. I’m definitely at a plateau that doesn’t want to give up. 😂
    So I’m going to try different things until I happen up on the culprit and break through. I’m getting OLD fast. If I don’t lose the other 50 I need to lose, then I won’t. But I will never ever give up trying!😂

  17. Angela Greene
    Angela Greene says:

    I absolutely love the plant shot, watched it 3 times!🪴 Thanks again for sharing such timely and helpful info. I’m looking forward to seeing the video and I hope everything goes well with the property.🦋


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