This Food is WORSE than Sugar on a Keto (Low Carb) Diet

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When you follow a keto or low carb diet, you get all of the sugar and refined carbs out of your diet. But, if you replace those foods …

40 replies
  1. DiabloMinero
    DiabloMinero says:

    Fully hydrogenated oil is harmless. Partially hydrogenated oil has trans fats because some double bonds flip around on the surface of the hydrogenation catalyst. If you fully hydrogenate the oil (like soy wax is fully hydrogenated) all the fat has been saturated, so there's no double bonds in either orientation.

  2. Robert Bolding
    Robert Bolding says:

    The biological pickup trucks dump trucks and trains that carry the food substances that we eat are made out of the food substances that we eat therefore science cannot tell us what is healthy and what is not for this reason. If the HDL molecule is comprised entirely of another fats you correctly measure the size but you did nothing to measure what it was made of.⁰ the half-life of HDL is 12 hours and it will always be made of the food you ate that day therefore science cannot measure what you should be eating using HDL. In fact the levels are so variable that the only time blood is taken to measure them is when you are fasting. There are no guidelines given as to what fasting even means it just means you showed up without eating that day basically that's all it means. Try to find some scientific literature as to if low HDL classes of individuals have a higher instance heart attack they don't. Turns out it's pretty much random

  3. Raghknarr Scott
    Raghknarr Scott says:

    Intermittent Fasting one meal a day BEEF BACON BUTTER & EGGS (1/24) some times Every Other Day (1/47) drinking only Water, Lemon Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar & Built Proof Coffee. Cooking ONLY with BACON Grease.
    Started the above Proper Human Diet (PHD) & Weighed in @ 323 Pounds on 25 January. Today, 18 October Weighed in @ 227 pounds. All blood works including healthy cholesterol levels well within the norms and Feeling reborn, never hungry.

  4. Joanne W
    Joanne W says:

    Hi Dr Gillaspy. Thanks for all your videos. They are so helpful. Question for you. What about extra virgin olive oil? My understanding is that it’s not a seed oil, rather, it is a vegetable oil, but a healthy one (only if it truly is extra virgin olive oil, as I know many grocery brands have fillers that are bad for us). Is legitimate extra virgin olive oil a healthy cooking and salad dressing option?

    NAAJEE KING says:

    Wow wow wow Dr Becky , i totally agree with your short power pack with all facts ,& how science keep changing & the food manufacturers take advantage coupled eith the sales & marketing team ….. the poor man & his family on the road become their victims.
    I am a medical practitioner in Malaysia & i did a private study on a small group of people 70 persons within the community from the age of 15 yrs to 80 specifically on omega 6 : omega 3 status.
    To my shocking surprise 80% of the results was favouring omega 6 Dominance. Which clearly shows all of us are eating TOTALLY A SICK DIET, WHICH LEADS TO INFLAMMATION & LATER A DISEASE.


    Thanks dr.

  6. beege 44
    beege 44 says:

    Finding things like salad dressing and mayo that does not have soy in it is hard. Olive oil mayo? check the ingredients, there it is–soy! Oh well lets get the mayo made with avocado oil, that should be healthy. NOT! There is soy in it. There is a vegan option on amazon that's expensive but you are better off making it at home. Don't even get me started on carrageenan !

  7. Kokko
    Kokko says:

    Animal products like meat and dairy are inflammatory as well, have you made a video about avoiding them as well? Consuming excessive fat in general is bad, especially saturated fat which causes cardiovascular diseases, the #1 killer of humanity. There is no dietary requirement for meat or dairy, and it's extremely unhealthy.

  8. Yesh Prabhu
    Yesh Prabhu says:

    Is she paid by the meat industry? I wonder. The only thing I agree with her is that coconut oil, being a plant derived oil, and rich in saturated fats, may be good for you. Everything else is highly suspect. If your diet has abundant meat she recommends, it's good to visit your cardiologist every three months to check on your clogged arteries.


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