These 15 Minute Vegan Dinners Will Change Your Life | Upgrading Boxed Mac & Cheese

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These 15 minute vegan dinner recipes can easily transform a box of Mac & Cheese into gourmet meals that are incredibly easy …

48 replies
  1. Edgy Veg
    Edgy Veg says:

    I'm super curious what everyone thinks of the new format? I wanted to bring some old school youtube elements back to the channel and make it feel more intimate and personal again. What other videos do you want to see with this format in mind?

  2. Lyndy Simpson
    Lyndy Simpson says:

    I love your videos I'm so glad to have found you I've been struggling being a vegan. I get frustrated of just how hard it is to follow some recipe that people make and all the ingredients and all the stuff you have to order online. I'm just so glad I found you I don't use oil to cook but I'm thrilled with all your recipes I can't wait to make them all of them 🙂

  3. Kate Benson
    Kate Benson says:

    I'm very excited about the new series! I work up to 90 hours a week and as much as I love to cook, sometimes it's the absolute last thing I want to do!!

  4. buff barr
    buff barr says:

    I guess your TVP meat was already flavored? What kind of spices would you use if you were starting with a non flavored meat substitute like the Gardein crumbles?

  5. Sam Maimone
    Sam Maimone says:

    What a cute dining room! Maybe tie it back in by taste testing back at your table? I love the new format and series. Definitely something I'm excited to keep up with and will definitely use these tips!

  6. Royal Gussy
    Royal Gussy says:

    just made the "hamburger helper" and it was so good! super easy and as someone who is new to veganism, not intimidating at all. I'll be keeping these recipes in my pocket! thanks for sharing

  7. Miranda
    Miranda says:

    I absolutely love this idea! Sometimes I’m so lazy with cooking I need some more quick, easy meals so this series will be perfect! Super excited ☺️

  8. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    I have never eaten boxed mac'n cheese but hey, these look super delicious and comforting! I will have to try making these from scratch because boxed mac'n cheese is not even a thing here in Poland 😀 Having said that, I think pasta in general is totally a weeknight dinner so I'll probably manage to replicate these ideas with any pasta I'll have on hand!
    Lots and lots of love!

  9. tall treesinc
    tall treesinc says:

    I totally dig this! All three of these recipes look yummy and easy to make. I can’t tell you how many times I was so tired, didn’t have all the ingredients for a quick meal (mostly because I don’t have the creativity to just throw stuff together) and ended up ordering out. Which was less healthy and expensive. Thanks for this vid!


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