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How To Make Mutton Curry – How To Make Lamb Curry – Mutton Curry For Beginners In this video I have explained step by step in …

29 replies
  1. delicioushotorcold
    delicioushotorcold says:

    Wow! Great recipe! I just made it and only now I realised the video was from yesterday! Could you include the cooking times in the description? How long to fry the lamb, how long to leave it before putting in Garam Masala, how long before putting in potatoes?
    Thanks for the great recipe!

  2. m. macdog
    m. macdog says:

    Another excellent presentation. I am so grateful to you for your tips and tricks on getting the best curry. I usually shy away from lamb curries but I am going to give this a try.😊 could I make it from the shank of the lamb I.e leg with bone ?

  3. NXNW
    NXNW says:

    Aha! I was so keen to get down to the comments! "That's gonna be on the hob for hours what are you thinking of – you need a pressure cooker.". But then that's what you said!! Must get a pressure cooker. So effective. [But they still freak me out – I was terrified of them as a child!]

    Thank you yet again! And sorry for wanting to jump the gun on the comments! You are wise! ❤️

  4. Loati
    Loati says:

    I feel like I am having some problems buying spices with all the different names between hindi, english and spanish which is my language. I just bought what I though were black cumin seeds. I just looked at the tag and asked for 100gr since it's the first time I see this spice sold in my city. And I should have looked at the content of the jar more carefully because when I got home, it turns out it's nigella seeds. I look in the internet and I don't understand why black cumin is both nigella and what I though black cumin is. I also got Caraway which I don't know what it is anymore because in the internet it says that it's Shahi Jeera which it says it is black cumin but I though it was just alcaravea. I am SO LOST

  5. The Lost One
    The Lost One says:

    I appreciate your videos and I trust your technique so I won’t leave an angry comment! 😂 I can’t believe some people. But this looks very delicious. Add potatoes if you want! People who don’t want potatoes don’t need to add potatoes. Seems like a simply concept, but maybe I’m wrong…😂
    My family lived in the rural western United States for a time when I was young and we would go to these events call “mutton fry” where they slow cooked lamb in large cast iron pots. They would add salt, but no spice and that was a very boring tasting way to cook mutton. Fortunately, we did move around a lot (many years outside the US) and I learned to love a lot of different foods. This is how to cook mutton!!


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