Instant Pot Beautiful Baked Beans

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We love baked beans in the IP and decided it would be our first cooking video. Please bare with us as we learn lol and hoping to …

44 replies
  1. Specialkxxx
    Specialkxxx says:

    This recipe was amazing. I added about half a cup of BBQ sauce and 1/4 cup of Ketchup. It came out amazing !!!! The last time I baked beans it took forever. No more!!!💕❣️💜

  2. Specialkxxx
    Specialkxxx says:

    I'm in love for a couple of reasons, You had me with easier just to throw them in a pot overnight AND the Bacon.AND the fact that you are Canadians. Must have onions and garlic lol. Thanks ladies. loved this video and will try today

  3. Nicole Vale
    Nicole Vale says:

    I’m going to try your method. I made beans tonight and they were not good. Looking for the right way to do them, I came across your video and learnt where I made all my mistakes. Thank you for this video and when I make them your way, I’ll make a comment.

  4. Victoria Blanc
    Victoria Blanc says:

    will use oil to cook the onions etc not bacon to keep it vegetarian but nice to see real Canadian women cooking up a storm on you tube, nice video ladies. You look like you are having fun. will be making this tomorrow for sure. And I can vouch for… it's cute to be short lol

  5. 27kjh
    27kjh says:

    I made this last night in my regular Pressure Cooker. It turned out great and I only used 3 slices of bacon and drained the fat. Thanks.

  6. MonCher
    MonCher says:

    You do realize that Barbados molasses is the ONLY cooking molasses. Look it up to see how blackstrap is made. A hundred years ago (in the north) and still today in the south blackstrap is considered to be hog food. Blackstrap is what’s left after they bottle up the good Barbados molasses. The reason blackstrap has become popular is because it has more calcium & healthnuts claim it’s better for you. It tastes bitter & salty compared to Barbados. Please, google it. You won’t be cooking with sludge anymore after reading it.

  7. Dale Macdonald
    Dale Macdonald says:

    My husband recently passed away and I am now cooking for 1. I recently purchased a 3 qt duo instant pot and I am cutting your recipe in half to cook for myself. Wish me luck, I certainly don’t want so many beans I’m eating them for a week. Thank you for this recipe.

  8. Mary Mac
    Mary Mac says:

    I am making your recipe for the third time. The beans are better than my mother's beans made in the old crock pot way — and hers were delicious. Your few extra ingedients seem to make the difference. I enjoy spending my kitchen prep time with you. Thanks!

  9. Harry Ryan
    Harry Ryan says:

    I really like the procedure. I got new instant pot and think beans should be soaked over night . when to add salt is logical. I have my own receipt but this procedure seems great .tks

  10. Babs
    Babs says:

    If I understood right in the early part of our New England coast in America they would use beans and make a sandwich from the barbecue beans I think that sounds delicious!

  11. Mrs P
    Mrs P says:

    I am trying your recipe for 2 separate pots of similar. I am making what I cal Chuck Wagon by using hamburger in one pot and in the other I am using Beyond Meat for a vegetarian version. The first pot is almost done. Thank you. I enjoyed your video greatly.

  12. outlaw686
    outlaw686 says:

    Love this recipe. 2nd time I tried it I subbed the bacon for a small ham hock. I recommend looking for ham hocks next time you go grocery shopping, adds a world of flavor at roughly the same cost as bacon.

  13. 902angelina
    902angelina says:

    I wonder if you don’t add the maple syrup would it make a difference? Yes I’m CANADIAN! And allergic to MAPLE SYRUP 😑 Can you believe that? I thought this was a fantastic video 🤗

  14. jmsva69
    jmsva69 says:

    Being a displaced Canadian (Cornwall, Ontario and living in Virginia) I was so pleased to find out that you are Canadians. I am definitely going to try this recipe. I just have one question – does the salt when soaking and adding it to the pot before it is done affect the beans. Everything I read says don't add it because the beans won't soften when cooking. Looking forward to hearing from you before I try the recipe. Can I enlarge the recipe to use it in my 8-qt Duo that my daughter gave me for Christmas. I have a 6-qt too so no problem if you say I can't.


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