EP 72: Rebuilding Boundaries After Abuse Ft. Carla Wilmaris

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We knew when we started this journey, that podcasting was more than just turning on the mic and talking. It was about crafting …

40 replies
  1. Fredrick Nwabilor
    Fredrick Nwabilor says:

    Carla im sorry about what happened to you but you have to take responsibility for your actions cause you knew he was a whore before you got with him so what do you expect from someone like that lol. Take responsibility!!!!!!

  2. Jasmine Cooper
    Jasmine Cooper says:

    This was definitely needed I’m going through this right now and it’s so hard to break the cycle. I found myself missing him, obsessively thinking about him. I really feel like I’m spiraling

  3. Its ME
    Its ME says:

    Just relating to 54:00, where Megan says when you exit you need to have a plan, be calm, no emotions, be very strategic.. last week. My aunt moved out of my home and back into her home with her husband. Long story short, they were married for 25 years and then she got super sick and he abandoned her. Her best friends and I thought this would be a good opportunity to have a convo and let her know this is a good opportunity and an exit for her to leave him we just need to be very strategic in doing so. Anyway, just relating to what she said because I’ve been there done that myself and then with my aunt deciding to go back to her husband…. I even decided to come up with an entry plan to there. If she were to leave him for the second time, like how can she be more prepared. Also, how can she be prepared to move back in with him. Like she needs to be on that lease. Sounds crazy but it’s true. She’s 61, I can’t tell her what to do what I can do my very best to set her up for success.

  4. Em F.
    Em F. says:

    This… I've been strategically planning to leave my narcissist and my time is coming to fully execute and GO.

    She's absolutely right… once you see THEM for who they really are, you just can't unsee it.

    Anyone else experiencing this, I hope you get out safely too. ❤ We deserve so much better.

  5. NutellaKillerGaming
    NutellaKillerGaming says:

    i swear this episode is much needed!! God is most definitely telling me that HE HAS BEEN SHOWING ME ALL THE SIGNS since the beginning. All those "random thoughts of truth" and Body Reactions I've been ignoring was his way of telling me over and over to pay attention. Yes, at a young age a lot of us aren't thought to be more aware of ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, & spiritually. We aren't even thought to have boundaries, everything we know is to caters to the surface level.
    watching this episode has me in deep thinking and how i need to prepare myself. Thank You Carla & Megan for sharing your stories. S/O to KFS Podcast Thank You for all that you guys do.

  6. Jazzie J
    Jazzie J says:

    When you are love bombed so long and then there is a switch. That can really cause emotional damages because you question your own discernment. In these instances can these people be avoided?

  7. Eliza Nunoo
    Eliza Nunoo says:

    I can’t agree with not setting boundaries when you want to.. you’re allowed to evolve at any moment so that would include setting boundaries. The key is communication so that no one is blind sided or feels “switched up” on. If you care about the people in your life, it’s important to communicate why you have these new boundaries with them. They may be angry at first but that’s okay, that’s on them.

  8. tmreaves1
    tmreaves1 says:

    @Carla…ive been reading a book called Mother Hunger. Its about daughters who didn't get what they needed from their mothers and we search for it in friendships and relationships. Its a good book i am reading now. This year i learned a new teem called the Mother Wound. Thus really resonated with me in healing my relationship with my mother issues. God bless and good luck in your continuing healing journey.

  9. Chunnie 101
    Chunnie 101 says:

    When Megan said “or youre scared of the up because you know it’s going to go down” really hit home for me… because you don’t even wanna go up at all again just staying down… that narcissistic abuse hit different it’s so hard to explain the wound

  10. Messiah 💫
    Messiah 💫 says:

    This episode was amazing. I was definitely triggered relating so much to Carla’s experience but I’m grateful for those triggers because it reveals there’s so much more work to do. Peace and love to anyone who has overcame this type of trauma and prayers to the ones still in it. Just know there’s peace on the other side of doing the work ❤


    This episode literally made me cry , cause my last relationship was thee definition of a narcissistic experience. I lost myself and felt completely alone after leaving. That relationship f*cked me up mentally up until he got physically abusive. I’m still healing from all that this episode made me feel seen.

    Y’all spoke about why speaking about y’all experiences through podding is important for viewers to not feel a lone — YES , YES ! Bless y’all for this.

  12. Brian Williams
    Brian Williams says:

    It makes so much sense now. Charlamagne use to be on Wax’s ass and now it makes sense. Charla don’t even talk about Wax no more. Damn Wax get help. Blessings Carla and enjoy your life .

  13. brittany mclemore
    brittany mclemore says:

    This was the most perfect timing for me. And it couldn’t be further from the truth. The calm after the storm is a real adjustment. It’s a battle within yourself. And you have to scream. However that may look for you… and the safe guy is always better. I use affirmation daily to remind myself.. thank you so much for this I love this platform 🙏🏽🤎 I feel more healed after listening

  14. Azmousss
    Azmousss says:

    here because of the bi reddit – sorry to hear. and around 40 min mark is esp harrowing because that was schulz wedding i assume. this explains why he they axed him. however loreal shampoo girl needs to be axed for standing by him.

  15. Kenjuana Hall
    Kenjuana Hall says:

    WOW! don't stop sharing content like this! I was experiencing all of this and thought I was crazy plus feeling alone because of the changes of life. Life be Life'n! LBVS…anywho! This is what I needed because I too have been trying to set boundaries. That s**t is hard. lol


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