Cuisinart Meat Slicer Review and Demo| For Making Meat Chips and Other Slicing Needs!

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Cuisinart Meat Slicer Review and Demo| For Making Meat Chips and Other Slicing Needs! Cuisinart Meat Slicer that I have: …

33 replies
  1. claudia matthews
    claudia matthews says:

    Thank you for sharing. I've been considering getting a meat slicer I'm mostly interested in slicing large ribeye roast into steaks. I usually buy during the Christmas holidays season because the ribeye roast is on sale. Any suggestions on slicer size?

  2. Laurie Carlson
    Laurie Carlson says:

    I bought one of those at a garage sale this summer, but it's missing the part the meat sits on top of. I need to contact the company to get the replacement part! I keep forgetting, so this video is a great reminder, thanks!! I AM very anxious to try using it! Life has gotten in the way of my getting online and getting the part! You know how life goes!
    I cannot wait to see how your meat chips turn out!!!

  3. Sharvo Sharvo
    Sharvo Sharvo says:

    Could you maybe put a reminder on your calendar to do a follow-up in a year or so? Ie, did you really use it as much as you thought you would? Do the settings and parts get loosey goosey? What happens if the blade gets dull? Did you find any new uses? Etc. (I would appreciate the same for the Foodi grill.)

  4. china33ful
    china33ful says:

    I ordered mine from Amazon US & it looks exactly like yours but my slider tray is totally removable from the bar & came with 2 blades, a serrated & straight edge. Works great! I made ribeye crips in the oven using your cooking temp & time. Will try the pork loin next. Was the pork loin chips yummy as it’s a much leaner cut than the ribeye.

  5. 2121buster
    2121buster says:

    Nice! I have an older model and the sliding stainless plate does not come off so it is a bit harder to clean. Mine seems to cut "wedges" too.. maybe i have a lemon cause yours looks great..

  6. Mary Mercedes
    Mary Mercedes says:

    THANKS for a great review. Could you PLEASE demo the breakdown and clean-up for this machine? Difficult cleaning would be a deal breaker for me. I've been wanting a meat slicer for some time. Looks like Cuisinart discontinued their more expensive model.

  7. Valerie Lyn
    Valerie Lyn says:

    Anita, thanks for this review. I’ve been looking for slicer for a long time. Is your link an affiliate link? If so, it may be the way I go. it’s not that expensive. the money could be earned back almost right away.
    Also, do you have a link to the knife you’re using? Or, might you suggest what type of knife for me to get? I’ve been eating carnivore for over two years and my knives are terrible. I’ve never been able to cut a steak from a roast. I need to remedy that especially if I’m going to use this machine.

  8. SimiAcheronsDemon
    SimiAcheronsDemon says:

    When I need meat for chips I go to my butcher and get the meat sliced Carpaccio style. We don’t need to pay extra for slicing the meat how we need it here in Germany. This butcher is behind the meat counter of my grocery store, I buy packaged meat but for meat chips I buy from the fresh meat counter cause I can choose the meat I want. Around Christmas they will have elk and then I get some sliced and make elk chips.
    I still have beef, pork and turkey chips.

  9. Laura Williams
    Laura Williams says:

    Love your videos! Get a little disturbed watching your cutting boards and that slicer sliding around on your lovely counters. I put a damp dish-towel under such slippery things. They don't slide around then. Am afraid you are going to end up with a disaster on the floor!!!!

  10. jenfoolery
    jenfoolery says:

    How tricky is it to clean the area behind the blade? I would think a lot of bits would fly back there, and it looks like a lot of little nooks and crannies in there. It's true that they wouldn't touch the meat you end up with, but it would get stinky and gross if you couldn't get it all out.

  11. Aurora3242
    Aurora3242 says:

    I have a meat slicer in my wishlist, but I really want one that will slice a full piece of bacon😋
    Anita it gives me anxiety to see men walking by watching you – I get all defensive like Im going to save you all the way from over here in AZ, lol 😆


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