Canning Ground Beef Using 3 Canners

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We show how to follow USDA guidelines for canning ground beef regardless of the type of pressure canner you have. RoseRed …

31 replies
  1. Kathy Kidd
    Kathy Kidd says:

    I’ve watched that video over and over!! 😂
    I’ve canned ground beef and had to watch your video ~ back it up and start over ~ over and over!! 🤣
    My hubby asked how many times that lady had to explain it to me. 🤨

  2. Joyce Fontana
    Joyce Fontana says:

    I feel truly blessed I'm 83 and have been canning, dehydrating buying flour,sugar and so much more. I absolutely love the canned meat especially chicken but corned beef, hamburger and chicken, can be used in so many recipes. Love your videos keep up the good videos

  3. crimsondryad
    crimsondryad says:

    Congratulations! Being retired must be a dream. On canning meats, I wanted to can ham, green bean, and potato soup (super easy – add roughly 30% of each and season with salt, pepper, a little cayenne powder and a bit of onion or garlic powder. ) This is one of our favorite meals. Typically I freeze it but I would love to have a shelf stable version. But I am seeing conflicting info about whether canning ham is safe. Can you weigh in?

  4. Dori Fraser
    Dori Fraser says:

    Hi Pam….can you explain what “flat sour” means? I think it has something to do with leaving the jars in the canner to long after they have canned and cooled but I’m not sure what it is and what causes it.

  5. Tiny Acres
    Tiny Acres says:

    Quick question. Hoping you can answer or maybe one of your viewers. Every time I watch you can outside on a really cold day and see you set hot jars on the table behind you to cool, I have to wonder about thermal shock. We're careful not to put cold jars in hot canners in the beginning of the process to avoid it, so I'm not sure how reversing the process by moving hot jars into a cold area is different. Love your videos; enjoy your retirement!

  6. Amy Harris
    Amy Harris says:

    Congratulations on your retirement Pam! No doubt, you will be missed at the University. Enjoy this next chapter in life and I am looking forward to the continued content that you work so hard on for all of us who watch and subscribe to your channel. You are quite the blessing!

  7. cdron23
    cdron23 says:

    I usually eat a very low carb diet, so I need high fat meat, usually 80/20, should I can the fat separately or is it safe to add that much fat to the top of each jar with the meat juice?

  8. Kathy Jenkins
    Kathy Jenkins says:

    Question! Can I put 6 1/2 pints in my canner? Or can I stack half pints on top of each other as long as they fit? In other words will the heat transfer be OK if I use smaller cans then pints and stack them or put more of them? Pretty much we’ve only worked with the pints at this point so I wasn’t sure if it would make a difference.

  9. Chris Griffith
    Chris Griffith says:

    I loved the twinkle in your eyes and happy expression on your face when you announced your retirement! Congratulations, Pam! I’m sure you will continue teaching in your retirement and we all appreciate that! (And you and Jim).
    Question: Is it safe to thaw newly frozen ground beef in the fridge, then cook up and pressure can? Hubby bought 15 lbs lean ground beef 5 days ago, we didn’t have time to pressure can so vac-sealed in 1 lb bags and froze – now wanting to try canning some pints up (Presto stove-too canner).

  10. Susan McAdam
    Susan McAdam says:

    Is it okay to can meat that has been cooked fully. We roasted a ham and had leftovers. I thought It would be safe since the meat was already cooked. Other than canning cooked meat, I followed your directions and the Max instructions.


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