Aussie Meat Pies | One Pot Chef

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Meat Pies are an Australian icon. A delicious, thick, meaty filling is enveloped in a shortcrust pastry base and a puff pastry lid. Easy to make and quick to cook, …

34 replies
  1. Stephen Block
    Stephen Block says:

    I fell in love with the Meat Pies when I was in Oz after the turn of the century. I visited my chef friend in Port Vincent near Adelaide who taught me so much Aussie cuisine including the meat pie. The filling is the same what a great idea to use the short crust for a base and the puff for the top. Is that your idea? Hello from Oregon, USA

  2. Laura Klett
    Laura Klett says:

    Hello 🙂 I'm from Germany and after staying in Australia as an exchange student I was searching for a good Aussie Meat Pie recepie. And I am so so soooo happy I found yours. It's perfect! I've been making these for quite some time now and they're so tasty and awesome! My family loves them too.
    Thank you so much!

  3. Laura Klett
    Laura Klett says:

    thank you so much for this recipe.
    I went to Australia a few years ago and wanted to make these lately, bc I remembered them to be so tasty!!
    I made these today and they are so easy and tasty!

  4. Donovan Murphy
    Donovan Murphy says:

    2 things about this video:

    1: I live in Mexico and I miss meat pies so much that I'm about to attempt to make my own, so thanks for this video.

    2: I'm going to show this video to anyone who thinks all Australians sound like Steve Irwin.


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