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LEARN HOW TO MAKE 4 DIFFERENT TYPES OF VEGAN RAMEN RECIPES! LAY HO MA! Ramen in my opinion is an amazing dish to make any time of the …

41 replies
  1. Carol Williams
    Carol Williams says:

    Hello Wil – – I've lost track of the original YouTube, but I tried to download your free offer for "5 recipes to cook with confidence". Unfortunately, it only seems to be available on Scribd, and they make you sign up with payment information before you can do the download. Maybe you didn't know this, but it's a dirty trick they're playing on your followers !!!

  2. Oana Murgoci
    Oana Murgoci says:

    The Tan Tan ramen is DELICIOUS! I thought the Satay one was my favourite but man this one was FABULOUS! I added broccoli florets in stead of bok choy, king oyster mushrooms and marinated tempeh but left the spicy oil out and both my 2 yo and non vegan husband loved it! Thank you so much for all your work, delicious recipes and straightforward channel! From Prague with love!

  3. Robert Rivas
    Robert Rivas says:

    I was a huge meat lover for most of my life and never ate vegetables or anything healthy for that matter. Recently I felt like I was having a heart attack and decided that I needed to make a life change for my 2 year-old daughter. Switched seemingly overnight to a plant-based diet and it has been difficult to say the least…but these kind of videos motivate me to keep going. Thank you for sharing these recipes!

  4. Aimee Rose
    Aimee Rose says:

    As someone trying to limit dairy products, and who cant stomach much meat, I seriously thank you for these amazing recipes!! I've been on a serious weight loss journey (lost over 70kg all on my own 🥳) and I've recently been allowing myself more things like noodles and breads in a balanced lifestyle but honestly I was running out of delicious, healthy ways to prepare meals. This was suggested and I think it's going to be a lifesaver, especially as we get into the cooler months here in Australia!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to try!! (Also, omg, as an almond milk enthusiast I cant wait to try the tan tan recipe!! I love it when things are vegan!!!! 🥰)

  5. Priscilla Monique
    Priscilla Monique says:

    Idk what half this stuff even is or where to go about finding it and if /when I do, will it just sit there and waste after I use the portion of it for a dish? Oh geez. How come the absolute confidence thing isn't working for me?

  6. kate
    kate says:

    hiiii i loved this video!! is there anything i can substitute mushrooms with? i'm just not a big fan, but i love these recipes!!


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