Will keto upset your stomach?

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Have you experienced digestive issues or an upset stomach on a keto diet? Dr. Westman has been helping people with this way …

24 replies
  1. Lance Fellows
    Lance Fellows says:

    Thank you for another helpful and informative video. You are so right about the strange recommendations and products that are promoted under the Keto banner! I have followed your page 4 approach to eating for around 6 months and have achieved great results – significant weight loss, less inflammation and a better overall sense of well being. The so called keto flu and stomach issues for me were mild and quickly passed. The only downside for me has been constipation – before keto I never suffered from constipation. I am putting this down to the significant changes to my diet and the fact I eat much less than previously. The hope is that my body will better adapt over time. At present time I have to resort to laxatives after five days although I am in no discomfort during this time – all a bit odd! From reading the social media around this subject, constipation appears to be a big stumbling block!! for many on keto/carnivore diets. Would appreciated any comments you might have on this issues or even better a video given it is the flip side of this video on an upset stomach on a keto diet. Thank you for all your work and commitment in assisting so many people achieve better health – it has certainly been a god-send for me.

  2. J. Pearce
    J. Pearce says:

    i did carnivore for a few weeks. no medications, no extra oils. had initial stomach issues on day 3 and then was fine for the most part until about the 2 week mark when the issues came back. ate the same thing every day during the experiment. felt great otherwise.

  3. Chelle
    Chelle says:

    I just finished William Banting's book A Letter on Corpulence. I quite enjoyed his story, and related my story to his a lot. Had been meaning to read. I dropped 100lbs. Off track lately, abstinent from carbs for about two weeks. Btw I have never been sick on Keto or even thrown up. I did quite often loose my lunch doing carnivore and I had a lot of nausea. Too much fat makes all the sense in the world for gallbladder pain too.

  4. Celine Scrappassion
    Celine Scrappassion says:

    when i started keto 2.5 years ago, i did have diarrhea for 1.5 months, but it went away after this. I think it was my body reacting to the change in diet. I lost a lot of water weight. I am not diabetic so i was not on any medications at all. My doctor prescribed calcium and magnesium, because being in my mid fifties i have not been drinking milk in a long time, and i am not having much dairy anymore. That helped as well.

  5. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    If KETO can upset one's stomach, I'm proud to say I haven't experienced diarrhea or nausea. Why, just this day I had a braised 8 ounce slab of pork belly for breakfast at the break of dawn (topped with little sweet soy and garlic sauce) a half a dozen eggs (3 over easy, 3 parboiled exactly to my liking – no runny yellow) a couple of canned kippers brought back from the UK which I store in a special place in the pantry – the International shelf. A couple of protein shakes (one chocolate and one vanilla) washed it all down. Headed for the gym, to get warmed up for all the chores I had to get done before noon. Threw out about 10 pounds of store bought 93/7 ground sirloin I had in deep freeze just before lunch,, having heard on the wire that nearly 121,000 pounds of ground beef sold nationwide have been recalled amid E. coli concerns) Then I sat down and tucked into a mid-day repast of pastrami and tongue with just a smidgeon of tripe and mustard. Cheated a little with the carbs in the barley in a bowl of beef barley soup (the recipe a family heirloom handed down from my pioneer ancestors who). Washed it down with another coconut flavored protein shake – a custom blend I make myself. Tonight's it's gonna be a dozen oysters followed by a rare and bloody 24 ounce Porterhouse made tender by a thick sea salt coating (an hour on each side is what I recommend before you wash it all away) A roasted Sweet Vidalia on the side, and maybe a tumbler or two of good Kentucky bourbon .to reward myself for all the chores I gotta do between meals.

  6. James McMurtry
    James McMurtry says:

    I have been eating carnivore for about 3 months now after being simply low carb. I get diarrhea every time i eat, within an hour. Not using MCT, coconut oil, etc. Seems to be an issue digesting fat? Thank you for all you do Dr. Westman.

  7. Helen Forrest
    Helen Forrest says:

    I am so thankful for this video. I am actually a veteran of the what's now called keto diet and have been following the original low carb high fat diet since 2012 and doing it just the way it was meant to, with real food and loreal food and lost 60 pounds going from a size 18 to a size 4 in 9 months While also healing from migraines. Within the last couple years of the keto craze because because of it getting more popular popular I have been falling victim to these whole bulletproof coffee and MCT oils In my coffee and also whalso was wondering why in the world suddenly I'm so nauseated All day while drinking my bulletproof coffee. And now I know. Thank you so much for this I'm going back to enjoying my coffee with heavy whipping cream.

  8. Dr. AJ
    Dr. AJ says:

    Have seen patients eating only "real food" steak and eggs have diarrhea in the beginning / week maybe two. Have others who get nausea if the eat too many eggs in one day. Obviously without being in their home, never know for certain all details

  9. Richard Piotrowski
    Richard Piotrowski says:

    Hey Doc,
    The anit-Keto crowd sites a Duke Study that showed that higher fat is "more dangerous" than veg….
    Any comment, or is this a topic you've covered in the past (it seems that it was an old study.)

  10. Karen Adams
    Karen Adams says:

    Iโ€™ve given up talking to people about keto because the internet crap out there. When they ask what Iโ€™m doing I just say low carb and they are more receptive to what I eat now. I always suggest your YouTube channel and the End Your Carb Confusion book. Keep up the great work you do!

  11. Sandra R
    Sandra R says:

    I have been having issues for awhile. I am having digestive issues which I never have had before and I am 66. Getting my gallbladder checked Friday. I eat nothing but meat and lettuce. No keto snacks. If it says keto it does not get bought. Some people cannot digest the eat. No mct oil,no butter to coffee,. No nothing.. Iโ€™ve never in my life had heart burn. I still wonโ€™t go of this way of life. Trying to figure it out.-โ€ฆ yes I fast, doing everything right.


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