WEEKLY HEALTHY MEAL PREP FOR WEIGHT LOSS! Budget friendly, easy to make recipes on your journey!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

I track points and calories with the Healthi app which is a WW copycat app. For all these recipes I used my recipe builder to …

22 replies
  1. Lindsay Z
    Lindsay Z says:

    I never eat quinoa because of the texture but the way you did it makes me want to try it because there’s a crunch to it. That looks so good! Your recipes always give me good ideas. Thanks girl!

  2. Gaby
    Gaby says:

    I have a ton of veggies and eggs to use up, good idea for meal prep! Def gonna make that today. You do look amazing as everyone is saying! ❤

  3. Jen J
    Jen J says:

    Girl is there a color you don't look good in?? I swear you rock every color! 💗 trying every one of these recipes! They all look so good🤤

  4. Fern
    Fern says:

    OMG, Amanda – this meal prep is fantastic!!!! Thank you so much for all of your inspiration!!!!!! It is greatly appreciated! Which plan are you following on healthy app??? Thank you again – you look beautiful today!! ❤❤

  5. Brandy Ellis
    Brandy Ellis says:

    Looks yummy!! It would be helpful to also list the calories instead of just points for those of us that count calories. I know some WW recipes won’t list calories but if they do that would be great to add.

  6. Necifelam
    Necifelam says:

    Hey friend🤭, it’s so funny how you always post the things I am actively trying to get back into. I recently joined fb meal prep groups for inspo, and am so grateful for your suggested recipes. I can’t wait for what we get up to next lol, see ya then gal pal 😘.


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