Weekly Grocery Haul & Meal Plan || Whole30 OR Keto??? || What Exactly ARE We Doing? ||

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Hey yall. It’s grocery time again. We are making some changes around our house. At least mama is. The Lord really blessed me …

24 replies
  1. Nic W.
    Nic W. says:

    Carbs cause us to hold more water so, I wouldn't use that as the measurement of success if you add carbs. It seems the weight dropped quickly when the complex carbs were removed so, that also leans towards the water as the cause.

  2. WDW Mommy
    WDW Mommy says:

    My daughter eats most of the keto stuff that I cook, but she has issues with some of the softer dairy items, like cream cheese and sour cream. The hard cheeses and even the heavy cream are fine for her. What I really need to do myself is get away from the lazy keto and get a bit more strict with it. That lazy stuff has caused me to stall–time for a change! Hugs, Kim

  3. Vangirhl
    Vangirhl says:

    I am considering Whole 30 but limiting starchy carbs like potatoes. I'll have a little for lunch but not dinner. My doctor recommends a low carb diet for me. I need to look at my diet more closely.

  4. Shanta
    Shanta says:

    You can do keto without dairy lots of people do, also you do not have to reach the fats unless you hungry get fats from meats hopefully that help with the stomach issue

  5. Violet Souders
    Violet Souders says:

    I feel like whole 30 is so much healthier than keto. And while I know different things work for different people I’ve had huge success (and a few friends as well) with WW points plus. I feel like I get to eat so much. There are so many free foods. I’m always full. I don’t like too much dairy, it hurts my stomach as well. Good luck!

  6. Judy Land-O'Brien
    Judy Land-O'Brien says:

    You're still in the game!!! One of the many things I admire about you, Shakema is that you don't give up! And, it's perfectly ok to give yourself some rest if that's what your body is asking for. Be well!

  7. Beverly009
    Beverly009 says:

    I have to eat goat or sheep cheese, goat yogurt, and almond or cashew milk on Keto. I am very limited on the dairy products I can consume. Same thing with butter I can only use Ghee or duck fat tallow. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Renea
    Renea says:

    I want to try Keto so bad. I just don't understand a world without rice😂. You look great. I've watched for a few years now and you've always inspired me. Have you tried intermittent fasting? Whenever I do 16/8 I always start seeing some movement.

  9. Amy Garard
    Amy Garard says:

    I changed how I eat in January (lots of water, vegetables, protein and filling in with fiber filled carbs), and I don’t have cheat days but a random off plan meal and right back l to normal eating. I find that just doing that makes the scale go up initially, and then it starts coming down. I weigh daily. We don’t gain 7 lbs in a day, but we retain water that takes a few days to get off. You got this! Also, I appreciate your channel and how you continue to share with us the goodness of God in your life. ❤️

  10. Mama's On A Budget
    Mama's On A Budget says:

    For Augusty husband and I are going back to low carb. I can no longer do keto because I no longer have a gallbladder. Fat and I no longer get along. I am looking forward to feeling better when we start eating better.


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