Week 134 Keto Journey │BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF

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Week 134 of my keto journey focused on making sure I stay fully commiteed to a ketogenic lifestyle. I finally faced the scale for the first time since July and share …

39 replies
  1. Brenda Anderson
    Brenda Anderson says:

    It's a lifestyle. You have a saboteur, external, stuck in their own fears!

    You can't go back to processed unhealthy food and high sugar foods etc.

    Without saying, I think you have an instigator sabotaging your mind set .it's obvious, but not sure if you realize .

    The self destructive behavior is ingrained and what caused you to self destruct initially.

    You do you, face your life instigator. Your nit doing you, your falling in the trappings. It's not motivation to others. It's constant excuses, but supported by constant subtle comments your obviously dealing with from an outside alterial motive and their own fears. It's their agenda and directive to derail you.

    Just step aside for even a week of exterior relationships. You got this, own it, don't get derailed by others fears!

  2. Twain Mom
    Twain Mom says:

    More than 2.5 yrs after launching this channel (134 wks, or 938 days), this woman is just now figuring out to weigh herself regularly, move her body & that potato chips, snacks & sweets are not her friend. Yet she’s plugging her channel. For full disclaimer, I check in to see where Jess is at because I have always rooted for her success. She’s down to earth, approachable. I discovered her channel because she & I both started our health journey at the same time (in Feb 2019). I also started by trying keto (which I no longer follow). This channel has changed a lot, it’s become a business for her (I understand that) but I agree with the other comments. She’s often not being honest with her viewers or even herself. There are struggles everyone who was or is overweight faces: emotional eating, trigger foods, bad habits and how to implement better ones which will become a new, permanent lifestyle and not just a “diet”. For me, personally, I’ve discovered it is all about focusing on my health, longevity, building a healthy microbiome by eating a varied diet of whole foods, (yet avoiding grains, sugar, seed oils and all processed foods). Daily intermittent fasting & re-engineering my microbiome have been key in helping me achieve these goals and reverse metabolic dysfunction caused by decades of too many carbs and sugar. Check out Robert Lustig’s book, ‘Metabolical’. His mantra is : ´Protect the liver, feed the gut’. Smart advice. Severe emotional eaters, Rob Cywes, the Carb Addiction Doc has some brilliant addiction management advice. Good luck to Jess and to everyone struggling.

  3. BingoBecky
    BingoBecky says:

    PSMF / more recipes and eating plans. Your Ideas fit a real lifestyle. No special ingredients – I Could almost fix every meal with what I had in the refrigerator. 👍❤️👵🏻

  4. Marian King
    Marian King says:

    Don't forget vegans can eat tons of fries and crisps, l know a vegan who is obese, lve never seen her eat anything. Secret eating l guess, you are so beautiful jess inside and out xx

  5. Sara McGee
    Sara McGee says:

    Please don't be discouraged by any of the comments. I see some comments that are meant to be constructive, but I can see how they might sting. Thanks for the honesty & continuing to encourage us!

  6. Robbie Batchelor
    Robbie Batchelor says:

    Can you explain better about the subject of not eating enough?? I’m 5”6 – currently 170 and want to get to 155
    ( started at 210- 17 months ago) age 61
    What should my macros be?
    I don’t currently work out- hope to start walking and light weights soon.
    Help please

  7. Sonja on being 60
    Sonja on being 60 says:

    excellent analogy re: vegan and vegetarian. regarding the scale….I find it is really useful to weigh myself regularly. Why? because if i have 'cheated' then i can see what that does to me and quickly course correct.

  8. T.N. Allen
    T.N. Allen says:

    I feel like your so down to earth.. Honesty is so essential.. Ty. And I find you posts so helpful. I look forward to your next videos. You are awesome. Pat yourself on your back. And fight, keep kicken butt. Til next time. Hugs.

  9. JuJu 814
    JuJu 814 says:

    Boy does this sound resonate with me. I Intermittent fast and eat super low carb, clean healthy food, I track all day and then I eat crap, drink wine, and it all goes out the window. I’m eating/drinking way to many calories and I have stop this. None of it is doing my waistline any good and I’ve undone everything I worked hard for. Why do we do this to ourselves? Time to be honest with myself! Thanks for the motivation! 💗

  10. Jackie Brand
    Jackie Brand says:

    I started keto on October 5, 2019(I was 60 years old), I last weighed myself probably Jan. 2020. This is a lifestyle to be healthy, weight loss is a side effect. I spent my whole life weighing myself and "dieting", it got my nothing but getting fatter. Yes, I do need to lose probably another 50 pounds, I don't know for sure, since I have not weighed myself. I don't have or never had cheat days, I may overeat at times, but I have always stayed under 50 grams of carbs on my so called cheat days, my normal daily carbs are 20 grams. I am committed to low carb. Coming up on my two year point and not at goal, but I do feel healthier. I am down 6 dress sizes. I am now on protein sparing a few times a week, wow what a difference that has made. I think I will weigh myself on Oct. 5 (2 year anniversary). I am weight training 2 times a week. I do need to start walking! Great to see you looking healthy. No ideas or questions at this time, take care.

  11. Lee Ann Cappiello
    Lee Ann Cappiello says:

    Jess….I started 16 months ago at 225. Type 2 diabetes…….thyroid disease. I am now 134. I have not cheated……except for occasionally going over my calorie count, but always with Keto foods. I’m PETRIFIED of maintenance. I have lost and gained weight so many times in the past. You have helped me stay on track. Your struggles have helped me. I struggle with perfectionism, and an all or none personality…..I’m finally owning my own issues. I weigh myself every single day. This week I won’t. We all fight the good fight, just in different ways. I can’t completely enjoy my weight loss……because I’m too afraid of screwing it up. You have helped me to be honest with myself , for the first time, about my real issues. Thanks for sharing your journey…….I’m sending you a long distance hug.

  12. my business
    my business says:

    Love your videos,. Very genuine, watched several vids of your journey,.find them inspirational.
    I've recently returned to keto , after a year off , I did keto omad it really didn't work for me so re, start the keto train, imtrying a fasting window with 2 smaller meals.
    Anyway that's my journey so-far, like you it's a constant focus/re-focus

  13. Sofie White
    Sofie White says:

    U must do liposuction to get rid of that stubborn fat, especially on ur hips and thighs. U have not changed since a year ago and yet, ur always trying this diet and that. U could have screwed up ur body. (?)

  14. mitsim
    mitsim says:

    I'm a keto eater, just like the vegans and vegetarians you speak of. I may have slow times with weight loss, but never cheat on non-keto items. It's just the way I eat now. I have no desire to eat "anything" I want, even if it's my birthday, a holiday or anything. It's great to be at this point. It is a full mental change. The non-keto foods are almost scary to me. And, I'm glad. Best wishes to you! It's all about that life style. I have to be honest, I'm 68 years old and have eaten this way for almost four years now. So, believe me, I've been on all of the other diets for many, many years. But, for some reason, this is totally different. And I love where I am mentally. Only wish I could afford skin removal surgery! 😉

  15. Kelly Swanson
    Kelly Swanson says:

    Happy Birthday! I hear your struggle. My personal experience is that Keto works really well for losing the bulk of your excess weight. But then I got stuck. My body adjusted to keto. I needed to switch to counting calories and macros so I could have some treats and not feel so deprived. I’m a lot happier and the binging is under control. Hugs to you.

  16. Karen Leon
    Karen Leon says:

    Thank you a reminder of being honest with ourselves, I really needed to hear that. I love your daily vlogs andwhat you eat in a day videos. Keeps me on track and gives me meal ideas❤

  17. Andrea D. RN
    Andrea D. RN says:

    I started keto 2 weeks after you. You had less than 10,000 subscribers when I found your channel. I did great for the first 9-10 months. I lost over 70 pounds. Then my Mom was diagnosed with cancer & passed away in May 2020. I had to have an unexpected surgery after that. I’m finally now losing the 20 pounds that I regained during that time. Life happens, but we don’t know how we will respond until we go through every day. Should I have been at my goal weight now? Of course, but life happened.

  18. Ms Anetchen
    Ms Anetchen says:

    Hi Jess, I would love to see you do some videos on how you pamper yourself, like maybe a massage or sth. Massage (or self-massage) or other form of physical self-care is a wonderful element of the slimming process.
    You have done sth like that in the past (I think it was sth about fascia massage and dry brushing) and it would be great to see more on that subject.
    Take care 🙂 xxx

  19. Gayle Jideofor
    Gayle Jideofor says:

    So glad to hear y'all are healing up. Also so happy to know you are recovered and stronger. Wow~ 134=2.5 years. You ARE a trooper of a mom. ( Love your outfits too) I'm here with you all the way. I started earlier than you in September 2018. I rapidly lost 87 pounds and hovered around 200 pounds. Struggling with a stall for over year and researching and following different keto, anti-inflammatory and health influencers. I had the worst year in 2020 for reasons too many to list. I gained weight so fast! over 50 pounds went on in 3 months from April to June 2020. So here I am one year later and back down to about 235. LISTENING to my body, "Get rid of the inflammation and lethargy". So I am following you with encouragement. I am so very proud of your discipline, diligence and determination. God Bless your Journey, Stay STRONG ~ and Keto-On!- Mummy G from Minneapolis

  20. Gwen Mueller
    Gwen Mueller says:

    Glad you are back on track! We all mess up, the key is to NOT give up. Lifestyle not diet. We all feel better when we do right by our health. Doesn't mean we don't still want the bad stuff, we just have to be aware of the choices we make and move forward. Windshields are big–rearview mirror are small.

  21. cruisepuppy
    cruisepuppy says:

    I can so relate, Jess! Sometimes I wonder "when will I ever learn?" But, life does throw us curves sometimes – so, the vacation and Covid are now behind you! I learned from you and your mom to ask the question "So, NOW what?" You know WHAT to do and HOW to do it, you are back home, healthy and motivated again and I have no doubt that those 12 vacation pounds will be gone in no time! Glad you are finally feeling better – now head on back to ONEderland!

  22. Winona Bannon
    Winona Bannon says:

    I was just thinking about you yesterday morning. I am so glad you posted yesterday because I was worried since I have not heard from you for a little bit. So glad to hear that you are feeling better. I know that in the last couple weeks, I have heard from 20 people I know who have Covid, and several from my extended family. Several of them were already vaccinated. Lucky for them, their cases were not as serious as the ones that were unvaccinated. Welcome back! Thank you for the inspiration! You are one of my favorite people to listen to.


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