Warming Soups Perfect for Autumn | Vegan and Healthy

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25 replies
  1. Good Eatings
    Good Eatings says:

    Hello and Happy Sunday 😊 Today I've got two of my favourite soups for you – perfect for the colder weather we're having here in the Northern hemisphere or for a rainy day if it's just gloriously warm and sunny where you are mostly. I really hope you like the recipes and the video – enjoy! 🤗

  2. Nathalia Biziere
    Nathalia Biziere says:

    Merci pour ces belles recettes d'automne ! j'ai un coup de coeur pour la seconde, j'avoue ….elle semble si onctueuse et délicate, j'adore l'idée du "topping", l'harmonie des saveurs me paraît parfaite . Belle journée

  3. Cristina Rowan
    Cristina Rowan says:

    Yummy! I love soups too! I don't know if you know this, but that type of pumpkin, you can eat the skin, I also make soup with it and I don't scoop it out, I leave it as it is, so delicious! I also like to add a bit of coconut milk to it, divine!

  4. ashwater skydust
    ashwater skydust says:

    220 degrees Celsius = 425 Fahrenheit

    One thing that’s lovely about a nice homey soup is that you can keep adjusting it. It’s a great way to learn or just get back into a swing of cooking. A few other thoughts are if you want to use vegan butter look for one with a high burning temperature. I usually go with one made with olive oil, but I’m sure there are other options. Nutritional yeast is also a must for people who want to get more filling and protein rich meals in their diet. Combines well with many dishes. I think she tears the kale to keep it crisp, right? I think for any leaf it’s always best to tear so that juices stay in. Basil is one example. Also, dried spices are great for soups too. Often gives you very deep and fragrant flavors that fresh spices might not. One trick for garlic is to crush it with a knife before you peel it, that will separate the skin so it’s easy to come off. I like to take out the center as it can supposedly give people indigestion, but I think freshness matters and if it’s really recently harvested, it wont have started trying to sprout.

  5. Kristina Callender-Pryor
    Kristina Callender-Pryor says:

    Do you ever bake your own bread. I struggle to find any decent bread. I would love to see you do this. Can you also advice if there is a way to learn what the different pumpkin or squash are? I love your food I can’t wait for Sunday xxx

  6. MamiKonkret
    MamiKonkret says:

    Thank you again for a wonderful video! The soups look so yummy!
    If you put a (moist) kitchen cloth under your chopping board, it won’t be wiggly anymore. Just as an idea 🙂


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