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37 replies
  1. Redmond Keech
    Redmond Keech says:

    I merely finished this amazing diet program “Kαbοnοz Ydα” (Google it) that has been very easy to adhere to. I workout each day and then make an effort to comply with a healthy diet plan, nonetheless I had been trapped with my weights. Using this specific guidebook in 21 days, I shed 10 lbs I wished , I really feel with strength and I manage my very own cravings. It`s fantastic. .

  2. Taylor Mae Dean
    Taylor Mae Dean says:

    Appreciate your recipes so much!! <3 everytime I follow your advice I notice the results in my body and in my health and wellbeing. Your style and approach to plant based eating that is lower in fat and meals cooked at home whole food plant based.. is the the only style that has actually worked for me. I've been vegetarian for over 12 years, and it's been a long road trying to figure the food thing out. I'll say it again many thanks appreciate all your videos and recipes.

  3. ali40450
    ali40450 says:

    This specific diet routine called “Kαbοnοz Ydα” (Google it) is really effortless to follow along with. I workout daily and then make sure to stick to a healthy diet, however I was trapped with my weights. With this amazing guide in 21 days, I shed 10 lbs I wished , I really feel with energy and I handle my very own desire for food. It feels great! .

  4. Holly Garrett
    Holly Garrett says:

    Hi Carb Hannah…..Ok truth dart at first I watched you because you were funny and I wanted to lose 50 lbs. But you loved everything you made, so I was like this is so for TV. I have tried most of your recipes and YOU NO JOKE!!! It amazing. I have lost 15 lbs and wanted to personally thank you for helping me

  5. Diane M
    Diane M says:

    I had an aha moment with the repetition idea. I've done that by accident in the past and it's so convenient. Plus sometimes I would take leftovers and add different veggies to them to change it up a little the next night. Overall, planning the repetition is genius! I go crazy throwing out food too. Thank you! 🙏🥑

  6. Julia Johnson
    Julia Johnson says:

    thank you for this video i finally went vegan after doing research finding out meat isnt good for you causes cancer and 2 out of 3 people are obese in america that number is going to rise by 3 out of 4 in 2020

  7. Benita Enzor
    Benita Enzor says:

    Love these recipes however after plugging into cronometer, I don't feel there is near enough protein or all the vitamins and minerals needed on a daily basis. Super delicious though!

  8. Whole Food Plant-Based Man
    Whole Food Plant-Based Man says:

    I hope you realize that a lot of the fake vegans out there look at veganism as a restriction and they get allured to be vegan out of a desperation by combating ongoing eating disorders. Just the fact that a person is vegan is enough to not be fat, overweight, or obese. If the title said plant-based weight loss that would be fine, but vegan , well, I just have to dislike the video.

  9. Holly Mevis
    Holly Mevis says:

    I was wondering if you like potato gnocchi? I have watched several of your videos and just wondering if that’s something you like and if you’d do a recipe with it? I have found I really love gnocchi in multiple different ways.

  10. Vibeke Vale
    Vibeke Vale says:

    I would love to see more higher protein meals. I'm starting a one year muscle building program called The Sculpted Vegan and I have to eat way more protein than I have ever before.


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