VEGAN SOFT TOFU STEW (Korean Recipe) | #13 (30 Videos in 30 Days) ♥ Cheap Lazy Vegan

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Have you heard of Korean soft tofu stew also known as sundubu jjigae? Did you know that it’s actually super easy to make and also VERY delicious? This is …

42 replies
  1. Rachael B
    Rachael B says:

    I've made this recipe so many times- it was the first Korean food I ever learned to cook. And it's so adaptable. Sometimes the grocery store has no soft tofu- but using firm still tastes good. I've tried different veggies when I've forgotten to get zucchini- tastes great. I use Vietnamese mushroom powder in it as well. Such a nice healthy recipe!!!!!

  2. Amy Oxford
    Amy Oxford says:

    I just made this and OMG it is amazing!!! I skipped the kelp and just went for veggie broth, but you’re right about the sesame oil. It MAKES this recipe.

  3. Amy Oxford
    Amy Oxford says:

    I had the non-vegan version of this from a restaurant and it was so good! However, I’m not a huge fan of seafood soups, so I think I will like your version better. I’ll just skip the kelp and go for veggie broth.

    I was vegan for about 8 months and then fell off for a few weeks. Let me tell you my body did NOT like that! So here I am trying to go back. Can’t wait to try this soup veganized!

  4. yourstruly200
    yourstruly200 says:

    Thank you for your videos! I went to Korea back in 2013, but have since developed a life-threatening shellfish allergy. So now I need to make my own Asian food, especially Korean food.

  5. imagiroh
    imagiroh says:

    This is the first recipe I tried from your channel. Not super keen on hot chilli so reduced the amount of gochugaru but instead added a tablespoon of white miso. Came out nicely. I think the key ingredient is the kelp stock, it's an investment but really brings a depth to the flavour and high nutrition. I use the dashima next day julienned and sautee with carrots (in saseme oil).

  6. Sarahle3
    Sarahle3 says:

    Just made this, my first recipe from your channel, and it was very easy and tasty. I made a few alterations to suit my taste, but that is the beauty of a recipe like this – it is very forgiving of changes. Thanks so much!

    PIECEMENT says:

    Yay 👏🏽🙌🏽
    Vegan version of tofuuuuuu sooooupppp, thank you !

    5:57 I can Imagine this is a clay pot sizzling before my eyeballs….. I’m gonna try this one dayyyyyy omg


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