Turkey Day Stuffing Bowl | Easy Backpacking Recipe | Camping | Hiking | Meals

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Stuffing mix is an excellent ingredient to pack along for any trip during any season. This recipe is easy to make vegetarian, vegan or meaty! FIELD ROAST …

9 replies
  1. HostileTakeover2
    HostileTakeover2 says:

    Now I know what to do with leftover turkey! I might just need to pair this with the marshmallow treats recipe. Or make some pecan pie cobbler, with oats or granola instead of pastry. Though caramelized apple cobbler would also probably work well.

  2. Cheezehead Chris
    Cheezehead Chris says:

    What??? No turkey SPAM??? Yes, turkey SPAM is an actual thing. I'm told it's really not too bad. I have a can to try. I'm going to make something similar. Cube the Turkey SPAM and add it to the gravy. Jazz up the stuffing, and instant potatoes. But, I'm actually thinking of making stuffing waffles in my waffle pie iron. Maybe mashed potatoes waffles too?🤔 Sooo… how does a stack of stuffing & mashed potatoes with SPAM turkey and gravy poured over sound?😉👍😎 And maybe a small can of corn. I don't care for green beans.

  3. GyDRyUs
    GyDRyUs says:

    Love to see videos of how to prepare at home some dry, dehydrated meal and carry less on trip. So it's just boiled water and prepared meal it's all you need to worried on trail cooking. I like practical things 🤠😉


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