This Stopped Us From Gaining the Weight Back AGAIN!

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21 replies
  1. Stephanie Otis
    Stephanie Otis says:

    I recently discovered your channel and enjoy it. I love that your transparent and real about your keto lifestyle. I believe the same way, I do the best I can everyday. Ketogenic lifestyle is what works for me. Thank you for sharing your delicious recipes and videos.

  2. Joe Blow
    Joe Blow says:

    I lost 153 lbs by eating clean and have maintained it for more than 12 years. You are right about an all or nothing mentality. It is awful to live that way. Food nourishes your body and each day is an opportunity to do better. Half the battle is mental. Keep going!!

  3. Cyn Thia
    Cyn Thia says:

    I look forward to the goofiness; and the fact that you have 49.9k subscribers say a lot of people like goofy too. I laugh at least once (at some face one of you’ve made 😜) every episode. We wouldn’t watch if I didn’t get something from you ladies! You keep doing you and we’ll keep watching! Praying you’ll get to 50k by 31 Dec!!

  4. Dina Ford
    Dina Ford says:

    I went back to work after 5 months off and I have lost 46 pounds. Back at work is crazy with all the food around. I've decided to go low carb until New year's but to pay attention to how I feel with what I eat ( pain, fatigue and mood). Thank you for all you do you have been a inspiration for me.

  5. Deb M
    Deb M says:

    This is most heartfelt opinion which I have heard so far. We are humans, not machines to be programmed to be perfect. Thank you for your honesty and transparency….keto is a lifestyle……to live the best way we can. You have helped me….immensely.

  6. Kim Henderson
    Kim Henderson says:

    I for one, am glad you’re goofy, if that’s what you call it! You make it real, fun, and I love that you don’t take yourself too seriously. In my opinion, that is how I can be successful on keto. Thank you for your honesty & for being real!

  7. Just Janice
    Just Janice says:

    Thank you thank you thank you!!! I’m so tired of the keto channels that promote fasting after binging! That is not keto, that is an eating disorder! Very good advise! ps… I am totally your target audience!! 😉

  8. Robin Huff
    Robin Huff says:

    Yes, the whole grass fed grass finished makes this unattainable for some and too stressful. It still makes people food obsessed and with that too strict, rigid eating it makes people confused and like every "diet" people just give up. Doing the best you can is sound advice

  9. Debbie Stevens
    Debbie Stevens says:

    I once joined a keto group on FB. I asked a simple question and was targeted and berated by one of the members. I was made to feel stupid and was chastised like I was a child. Nope! I left that group very quickly. I really enjoy your videos because you are real and talk about the struggles you’ve had. I don’t think you guys are goofy at all. You’re fun and informative. I’ve tried lots of your recipes with much success. Thank you. 😍


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