This Is What We Fight About // RELAX #86

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28 replies
  1. nerdyjen17
    nerdyjen17 says:

    Erik! I do have that nurse’s office memory. I did it quite often when I had bad period cramps. But I didn’t feel totally relaxed; I would feel kinda uncomfortable/embarrassed. Idk why.

  2. Krazy Bacon
    Krazy Bacon says:

    I listen to y’all while at work and hang on to every last work. It makes my night. I’m older than you guys and the only “paper” thermometers I know about didn’t go into your mouth, they went across your forehead. In elementary school our nurses office kind of sucked but I was really close with the counselor and he owned a Mr McGruff puppet (the take a bite out of crime mascot) and he would cheer us up with him when we felt bad.

    Thanks for keeping me entertained during my long shifts. Love y’all!

  3. kyler rodriguez
    kyler rodriguez says:

    Pop up tents need to relax, but can we talk about foldable travel poncho’s?? Like once I u fold it it’s just staying u folded cause I can never figure out how to get it back compacted

  4. Somer Sellers
    Somer Sellers says:

    I 100% took full advantage of the reprieve of the nurse’s office! I remember many times where I avoided having to speak in front of the class or present something by saying I didn’t feel well the class period before and I would just lay on these hard plastic cot like beds and wait for time to pass. I’d either go back once I’d avoided everything I wanted to or would get my parents to come get me. I obviously went there for real reasons too, but definitely more for just a break as Erik said!

  5. Hailey Olivia
    Hailey Olivia says:

    My insides twisted when you were recounting that man mansplaining that tent to you. I would lose my fucking mind if another man I was with filmed me and taunted me after that. I would lose. my. mind. In front of everyone on the beach, the kids and god and everyone.

  6. Caroline Gray
    Caroline Gray says:

    i remember going to the nurse at least once week in elementary school. the room was so peaceful and the cold diner booth beds are so comfortable for no reason. even if i didn't go home, it was a nice 20-30 min escape to lay down and avoid the weird eye exams we took once a term.

  7. Nancy Toth
    Nancy Toth says:

    my school didn't have a nurse, but hearing this I feel like a relaxing room should be provided for the more sensitive, not so social kids…I would've loved that and it would make school so much more bearable

  8. Mars
    Mars says:

    Not me commenting about how erik’s right before hearing your side LOL COLLEEN MY BF DOES THE SAME THING we literally have two different sides him being dumb first and then me trying to help and him not taking it right and making me regret being helpful 😂like you could’ve recorded him, not him caring about replacing ittttt That’s not the pointttt ugh 😂

  9. Mel Rox
    Mel Rox says:

    Oh that man would have made me so mad. I would have said here you fix the tent. I thought you had to wear shoes to go in the stores otherwise you get kicked out?


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