The BEST Corned Beef – Quick and Easy Instant Pot Recipe

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If you are asking – What’s for dinner, then I got you covered! I tried Corned Beef last year on St. Patrick’s Day and I LOVED IT! I have waited almost a whole year …

48 replies
  1. Bernie C
    Bernie C says:

    I live in the UK and when you spoke of corned beef I thought of how we purchase it over here which is in a can. Looks nothing like your corned beef. Yours looks much nicer.

  2. John Smith
    John Smith says:

    In the video you use 4lb of corned beef with 90 min cook time. In your video description you have a the recipe for 2lb of corned beef also at 90 mins. Is it the same for both??

  3. Eileen Cook
    Eileen Cook says:

    I do corned beef by itself, onion, bay leaf,no parsley, when done, take corned beef out,, use a spider strainer remove onion as well, add all my veggies, whole red potatoes,whole carrots quartered cabbage, usually 4 minutes depends on size, take veggies out with spider strainer, meat back in veggies back in, keep warm , when ready to serve I hit sauté to get everything hot. On to a platter ,serve

  4. SargeUSMC
    SargeUSMC says:

    You are doing a quick release of the pressure. I've been told that for meat to remain tender, you need to do at least 10-15 minutes of natural release. Is that not true? I really want to do my corned beef in the Instant Pot this St. Patrick's Day and don't want to mess it up. Also, can it be done with a frozen brisket?

  5. Maggie Baxter
    Maggie Baxter says:

    We eat corned beef several times a year and love the leftovers for sandwiches for lunch. Thanks for sharing this shorter cook-time. Love your channel and I’ve tried several of your recipes since receiving the Instant Pot for Christmas. This would’ve been an awesome tool to have when my “kids” were all living home and in school & playing sports all year long. (Loved my crockpot for the busiest of those days.) Have a fantastic week. 🤗

  6. Lucille Ball
    Lucille Ball says:

    Hi Kristan, I absolutely love corned beef and cabbage. I also like potatoes cooked in the broth too. Oh yummy stuff. I am so glad you showed this to everyone, this is the only way to cook corned beef. I have been cooking it like this for many many years, like on the stove with my old stove top pressure cooker. But that is old school now and use my Instant Pot. And I think it is the only way to get it fork tender while keeping it nice and juicy too. Ok, guess I have to go to the store…. Many hugs to you young lady…. Claudia

  7. ChillyToes
    ChillyToes says:

    My father used to cook corned beef and cabbage every St. Paddy's Day and we're not even Irish LOL! I loved it but have never cooked it before. Now I can with my IP! Thanks for the recipe! It makes great sandwiches too!

  8. colleen mccullough
    colleen mccullough says:

    I cook meat with the liquid separate in the instant pot,when done I remove the meat and 1cup of the liquid and keep warm,I will then add carrots,turnip, onion, potatoes and lastly the cabbage ,all cut large chunks and HP for 6-7 minutes ,so the vegetables aren't mush from the long cook time..we call this Jigs dinner.Love watching your videos,very tasty looking🍽

  9. Brenda Bromley
    Brenda Bromley says:

    Ha! The bay leaves made me remember a time when my husband and I were first married and I was going to put some in a roast I was making. He was like "I don't like bay leaves" but I put them in anyway. I did take them out when done and he said that when he had eaten someone else's roast before, they hadn't taken them out! Blech!

  10. Nena Elliott
    Nena Elliott says:

    I love corned beef but it takes all day in the slow cooker so I've just refused to make it for years. Especially since it's just me I'm cooking for. Now that I have an instant pot I might just break down and make this one soon. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Tazzy B
    Tazzy B says:

    I was just looking at briskets yesterday. I love it but the one time I cooked it on the stove top it was still too chewwwwy. Another instant pot win! Thank you


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