Taco Tuesday: Slow Cooker Carnitas Tacos

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Seems everyone’s always asking what dishes to make for holidays and special occasions. Though it’s close to impossible to narrow it to a manageable list, I can …

35 replies
  1. c r
    c r says:

    I love how you enjoy cooking and eating Mexican dishes. I tried to have a full stomach when I watch your shows.
    It never works,I end up at the store buying everything I need to cook. Me and my husband with a smile. Thank you for all your trips to
    MEXICO. I feel like I'm on a vacation to.
    God bless you all.

  2. Kevin Chavez
    Kevin Chavez says:

    You don’t have fresh rendered lard, can you use the stuff you can buy in the market? I know it’ll probably have a neutral flavor, but I can’t imagine ever having that much lard on hand.

  3. C.J. Rogers
    C.J. Rogers says:

    Rick! I love you, man, but how are you calling this traditional carnitas? No milk? No orange or lime or onion? Bay, mex oregano, cumin? I've learned a lot from you; maybe it's a regional thing…

  4. JoJo Mama
    JoJo Mama says:

    A Gringo who actually understands Mexican food,but I don't think I've ever seen carnitas made without milk and citrus juice…nontheless,this guy really gets it!

  5. QuietStorm
    QuietStorm says:

    Another awesome video, thanks for sharing! I was a bit surprised however that you chose to use a tomato salsa. I usually have a green tomatillo salsa with my crispy carnitas. For me it is a magical combination. I also find that fresh made tomatillo salsa is far superior to anything I have bought in a jar. The jar stuff can be very good but fresh tomatillo salsa is sublime. Tomato salsa, on the other hand, seems to matter less whether it is fresh made or not. I would be interested your thoughts/experiences.

  6. Roh Ger 1
    Roh Ger 1 says:

    Looks Delicious. I have been a fan since the 80s. You should of won the Iron Chef battle. You are truly the best and have stood the test of time. I'm glad to have found your channel and subscribed!

  7. J. B.
    J. B. says:

    for best results, paste the tortilla with the guac like a thick spread, then add the Carnitas followed by the salsa. Eats better that way and my mexican in-laws approve: )


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