Smart Cooking Assistant for your daily cooking needs | delishUp⤴️ | Mixer Grinder + Electric Cooker

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Stop ordering in food from @SwiggyIndia and @zomato and start cooking a variety of interesting and healthy food on a daily basis …

16 replies
  1. Kanwar Pal Singh
    Kanwar Pal Singh says:

    I had this idea when I had to cook for my wife
    The bowl could have been transparent

    They should provide a simulator chair and 3D screen of the view what is being cooked

    Some thing is really cooking 👍


    Saumya have you seen robotic arm .At the time cooking cook have to wear some wire along with sensor that sensor store all movement later they feed that in software.and robotic arm doing the same.That is future that's the only way to eat Nani Dadi Maa k haath k khana life long.U r a smart girl you to make a video on that.

  3. Vineet B Nath
    Vineet B Nath says:

    Good review Soumya but I don't see much point of this product.
    From what you've shown it seems like mixer grinder and cooker + weighing scale + a tablet attached which can show different recipes. All for a price of Rs.21,999.

    We can buy all the components separately for a cheaper price. Also get lot more recipes just searching on web and YouTube.

    I am still waiting for the day we get a product where we can just pour all the ingredients in and automatically creates the dish in its own time : )


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