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Are you ready for one of the most impressive looking and tasty soups of your life? Well, my Panera’s copycat cream of cheddar …

42 replies
  1. Lee Forex
    Lee Forex says:

    So I won't be using any oil in this recipe which eliminates obviously the first ingredient with sauteing the onions and another ingredient further on down the line in the brine from the olives THAT likely has oil in it as well.

    The only thing I'm stumped on is the vegan cream. I've never seen vegan cream or used it in any recipe. What section of the grocery store does that typically reside in? I'm guessing the dairy section? Furthermore, I wonder if there's a way to make this vegan cream on my own … maybe mixing some aqua fava??? I think they call it, the liquid left over from the chickpea cans … with some plant-based milk and then whip that up and maybe that would be a good vegan cream?

    I can't wait to adjust this slightly and try it for myself. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us.


  2. Aura Main
    Aura Main says:

    I am so glad I clicked on your video. This soup looks amazing and I have almost everything…except the liquid smoke 🙃. Definitivamente making this real soon.💌Thank you. Where are you from?

  3. Monica McCoy
    Monica McCoy says:

    It's hard to pick one recipe of yours to make each day. They are so easy, but unique, delicious and healthy. This is another favourite!! I had no milk so I used leftover cashew cream and it was amazing!

  4. glrendon81
    glrendon81 says:

    This was so good! I didn’t have any olives so I used a tablespoon of pickle juice because I have used that in vegan Caesar dressing before. The soup is really delicious and it tastes like broccoli cheddar. I did overcook the broccoli though because I got distracted 😆.

  5. Linda Casey
    Linda Casey says:

    Omg Janna, you always make my mouth water whenever I watch one of your videos. I make a soup similar to this, but have always used potatoes instead to thicken it and then zap it into a porridge afterwards. Hmm I'll try the liquid smoke and lemon next time. QUESTION: I don't always have fresh lemons hanging around, but could I still use the concentrate? Ciao


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