My Ultimate Raw Vegan Pizza Recipe that Improves Gut Health

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John from demonstrates his nutrient-dense raw vegan pizza recipe that will improve your gut health …

23 replies
  1. @okraw
    @okraw says:

    Jump to the following parts of this episode:
    00:16 How to Make My Raw Vegan Pizza
    00:53 The problem with traditional pizza and why it's not healthy
    02:09 This recipe will feed your microbiome
    02:55 I use specific ingredients and processing methods for the best nutrition
    03:37 How to make a raw vegan pizza sauce
    04:03 I recommend only vacuum blending
    05:20 Adding Ingredients to Make Sauce
    06:19 Adding 100 trillion probiotics
    08:59 How I make the sauce thick
    09:15 Cashews purchased in the store are not raw
    09:56 Add this to make it taste cheesy
    11:12 Adding FitSALT to my sauce – no sodium
    11:39 Sucking out the oxygen out of the blender carafe
    13:35 I Make 12 Pizza's at Once with Premade Crusts
    14:16 Healthiest Toppings you can use on a pizza
    18:50 Assembling the Raw Pizza
    21:07 Source fresh & local in-season produce as much as you can.
    22:14 Taste Testing Raw Vegan Pizza

  2. @oleksandrdanylov6076
    @oleksandrdanylov6076 says:

    thank you for another fun video. I have one question about such food combos – not sure if consuming so many ingredients at the same time is easy on our bodies, I might be wrong but from what I see centenarians eat rather simple foods with a few ingredients instead of 20. I am sure these pizzas are delicious and way better than traditional ones but maybe a bit less ingredients would be better to eat at the same time and kind of spread the rest over weeks or months?

  3. @freebirdypeeps1959
    @freebirdypeeps1959 says:

    if you worried about baking on high temps, you can easily use quinoa or amaranth, teff or corn flour and make pizza dough that you can put on a pancake pan and do 3min one side and 3 min other side. no harm done there.

  4. @ragheadand420roll
    @ragheadand420roll says:

    Thanks john great points Remember heat treating can diminsh the protein availablility by 50% so when the meat eaters claim their steak has 30g protein etc true when raw yet when cooked its barely 14g I can get 20 easy grams of protein with raw proteins

  5. @emilybarry9410
    @emilybarry9410 says:

    I would love to see you do a video on how your cook all the different things in your pressure cooker (beans,grains, veggies, potatoes…). I have never used one, but just purchased, and am a little intimidated 😐


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