Michelin Star Indian Chef Reveals How To Make The Perfect Dal | My Greatest Dishes

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Atul Kochhar , the first Indian chef to be awarded a Michelin Star, gives us a step by step guide to creating a traditional Dal Makhani that his mother would make …

34 replies
  1. A.L.I
    A.L.I says:

    Also, almost every desi mom eating at a restaurant would say: “I can make this cheaper and better at home”.
    God bless every mother’s out there, and the ones who aren’t with us anymore, may they rest in heaven <3

  2. Nice
    Nice says:

    It’s kinda disappointing to learn that the only thing that really makes a meal Michelin star quality is just literally a shit ton of oil. YOU SUCK

  3. MJ Remy
    MJ Remy says:

    Delightful video. The dish was as wholesome and comforting as the man who cooked it. What could be better on a cold rainy day than a bowl of dal makhani and some naan bread? Yum! Excellent recipe, many thanks, Chef!

  4. Abhimanyu Singh
    Abhimanyu Singh says:

    This is by far the shittiest recipe. This if people make it at home wouldn't taste that good! (I am just a home cook, before someone starts bashing me, I know my food!)

    1. Not removing the first boil skin (The dirt as we say)
    2. Not chopping tomatoes finely
    3 Whole ginger is going to taste sour
    4 No garlic while Dal makhani has good quantities of it.
    5 Not Using clarified butter (ghee)

    Just the errors I noticed. Need a good recipe? try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOiwccflDkY&t=496s

  5. luna
    luna says:

    as a turkish it just made me think that is there any other way of cooking lentil than this? of course it us must be very delicious and it has variety of flavors due to the beautiful indian spices that are added while cooking but it is really the very traditional way of cooking lentil. i guess european cuisine is kind of week about cooking legumes that anything ordinary from the cuisine of the other part of the world can be very succesful for them. and congrats to indian immigrants who presented and advertised their culture very successfully and properly in abroad. although %80 percent of the food is vegetarian in regular turkish cuisine and the cold and hot food made with olive oil section is so rich -the restaurants abroad and even in inside makes no authentic food but the same kebabs and chicken cubes with rice. and now this meat guy with the pinch of the salt… i mean oh my god. in fact, kebab, gyro and what you have as turkish food abroad is something that regular people in turkey used to have once in a while when they had the food outside, or perhaps just in southern turkey it was more regular to consume it. but authentic turkish food that was cooked inside was very rich just like this and they unfortunately could not make it present enough… more than the way how it has been cooked, i just want to applause the chef and the community about the way how they treated to their culture and how did they protect the authenticity…

  6. L
    L says:

    I think we’re ready for an Indian female chef. All these videos center men that are inspired by moms. Let’s see the Indian equivalent of Pasta Grannies. Pls link if u got st on yt for me to check out!

  7. Mos Kito
    Mos Kito says:

    OMG, even from the looks i can tell it must be the best Dal … i have a Dal addiction since 30 years, since my first visit in India, even if i like the SriLankan cuisine even a bit more 😉 😀 😀

  8. Ahmed Khan
    Ahmed Khan says:

    Michelin stars are BS, India literally invented flavor. If you have ever ate anything seasoned or had anything sweet its because 90 percent of spices came from India and so did sugar. Indian cuisine is far superior to any western dish, they literally had to colonize India for its riches and spice.


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