LIVE! Avoid This Common Advice to Slash Your Grocery Budget in Half!

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Struggling with your grocery budget? Discover which grocery saving tips are actually costing you MORE! In today’s video, we’ll …

38 replies
  1. JGH Family
    JGH Family says:

    Have you ever considered posting smaller clips from your longer videos (and still post the longer one)? I know it would take quite a bit more work, but I assume there are a lot of people like me who would listen to shorter videos but not the longer ones.

  2. Rachelle Bennett
    Rachelle Bennett says:

    Back years ago the warehouse stores we strictly for businesses. As an individual you couldn't get a membership. The bulk sizes are for restaurants, small mom and pop stores etc… these have morphed into what they are now. I learned long ago they weren't worth the membership. I do not stress shop but I think many people do. They need to go outside and walk or pull weeds take up a sport or something shoot get a punching bag in the garage and go box out your stress. I agree, they need counseling. Thanks!

  3. Cindy Mikels
    Cindy Mikels says:

    I do shop at Costco for certain items. Toilet paper, vinegar (for laundry), laundry soap, trash bags, Tillamook cheese (my husband's favorite), some vitamins. I've also found great deals on clothing when it goes on clearance. This is one more reason to really know your prices…I know what to buy at Costco and what not to buy, even with the price of the membership. We also have their credit card which I pay off every month. The % that we get back on purchases, including all gas, covers the cost of the membership and the annual credit card fee….with $ left over.

  4. Cookie D-oh
    Cookie D-oh says:

    I won a Starbucks gift card at a party a few weeks ago and as we were leaving, my daughter said, “But you don’t even drink Starbucks.” I promptly corrected her: I don’t PAY for Starbucks. So not everyone standing in line is wasting money. 😂

  5. Sue
    Sue says:

    As a special needs mom. Sam clubs save me on pull ups, garbage bags and laundry detergent. Some of items last longer. Save me for going to store. I do followed your advice.

  6. Nancy Brewer
    Nancy Brewer says:

    Meal planning can be very helpful if you shop your pantry and freezer first when deciding what to make. Then you check and see what is on special at the grocery store and clip the digital coupons. Your list is a limited list of what's on sale and what is still needed for your plan. Buying what's on sale will save a lot. You have to pay attention, as Tawra said, to buy at the lowest price. Even with a digital coupon, the store brand may be a lot cheaper than the item that is on sale. I do shop at Sam's, but I am not an idiot. Shopping should not be confused with entertainment. The main point is to shop to stock your pantry. Then you can meal plan from that. Also, balance meals between more expensive and cheaper meals. Alternate the cheap meals! It is very economical to make a big pot of beans or homemade soup and eat on it for a couple of days. Make dessert on really cheap nights, not when you've spent nearly $20 making a pan of lasagna. You have to balance things out.

  7. Lorenai13
    Lorenai13 says:

    I have a few jars of spaghetti sauce in case I'm sick or not in the mood for cooking. Otherwise I throw browned meat, onions, carrot and celery with can of tomatoes which I always have on stock and make homemade sauce.

  8. Debby (Lee) Fazekas
    Debby (Lee) Fazekas says:

    My best tip for sticking to my list is to order from Walmart on line and pick up my order. I save money every time! I have a pantry downstairs. It's really great to have! I keep a basket beside my pantry so I can easily "shop" from my own selves. It makes it more fun. I feel like a kid playing grocery store. Lol! I completely agree with you about the warehouse stores. We had a membership. It was ridiculous! (I ended up going to the grocery store anyway.) I bought laundry detergent and paper products. 🙄 It was not worth the price of admission.

  9. Amy Aydt
    Amy Aydt says:

    Yes it’s therapy… it took me 5 years after my mom died for me to realize I was stress shopping as a form of grieving…

    I got therapy and he didn’t do anything lol

    Then I swapped it for stress eating…

    Still working on both! I pray I can turn into a stress “runner “ and make it a healthy grieving 😂

    I remove my cc from Amazon to stop myself…

    Can I also point out that a therapist is $200-$300 an hour.. so if you have to go once a week.. is it “really “ that much cheaper? Most insurance is high deductible too .. who knows..

  10. Boots and Bounty Homestead
    Boots and Bounty Homestead says:

    Just like I tell my kids, if you have to hide it, you already know you shouldn't be doing it!
    I HATE using coupons because I can get off-brand cheaper than buying brand names with coupons. I just never got the whole couponing thing….

  11. ndproducelady
    ndproducelady says:

    I do buy some meat at Sam's Club. Their roasts are the best that I have found anywhere. When I get home, I cut them into 2 or 3 pieces and freeze them. I also buy case lots of their hamburger. It is cheaper to buy that way. Then I freeze most of them whole and when I'm getting low on hamburger, I take out a 10 pound chub and let it thaw just enough to cut through and repackage into 1 pound packages. I have also can and freeze dry the hamburger.

  12. Caren Feldman
    Caren Feldman says:

    About the "extreme couponing". I once laid in a largish supply of hand cream, face cream, and shampoo that I literally got for nothing with sales and coupons. After a few years (yes, I had that much) the products lost their scent and smelled awful and I ended up throwing them all out. Also, things like nuts and seeds and oils eventually go rancid if they sit around too long so you have to decide how fast you use up things and is it even worth it for your immediate family?

  13. kathy lovejoy
    kathy lovejoy says:

    That's us. We sample everything, but we don't buy anything, because it's too expensive. We turn OFF our vehicle in a long line, then start it up when we move, then shut it off. We don't waste gas sitting there.

  14. Queen Bobbi
    Queen Bobbi says:

    I have to laugh when ladies on here talk about hiding their Amazon packages. I can’t tell you how many times I put things in my “ cart” so I don’t have to go back and search for it, only to have my husband order it because he assumed I wanted it.😂

  15. kathy lovejoy
    kathy lovejoy says:

    We have a membership at Costco, because we don't live in that town, and we only go to stock up on certain things, but it's the gas that we buy there, even when we have shopped there that day. Much cheaper there. So for us, it has been worth the money. Also if a family member needs gas, we will loan them our card. But we are very careful about buying all the prepared meals etc. there, we look but don't buy. We taste test everything they have on offer, LOL But don't buy the product no matter how good it is, because it's too expensive. We buy the big containers of ketchup, because we refill our ketchup bottles, with it. The individual ketchup bottles are too expensive, this is much cheaper, for us.

  16. kathy lovejoy
    kathy lovejoy says:

    The lowest sale on our canned green beans, is 97. cents a can. That's when I stock up a bit. The only bad thing I find I am doing, is spending money on sale items, that I cannot really afford at that time, for stockpiling. So I have to be careful about that.

  17. Caren Feldman
    Caren Feldman says:

    I must admit I do stress shop, in person. When I'm anxious I'll go to the thrift store. The very act of exploring and trying on and seeking is a stress-buster for me and if I come across anything really useful, well then, the trip was worth it. The trick is to be able to walk away without a purchase if you don't see anything you really like or can use.

  18. Maxi Bake
    Maxi Bake says:

    I don't stress shop, shopping is stressful enough. Lol.
    I Knit Socks when I get stressed, we have a lot of Socks. 😊
    Great tips, ta muchly.
    TFS LOAD, Take care & keep really busy everyone. ❤🙂🐶

  19. ellen mcginnis
    ellen mcginnis says:

    Being retired, single, on a fixed income the $4.16666 a month membership will save me $$$$ over the course of the year without shopping every week/month. It is a treat to be able to go but it is important to know your prices and buy accordingly or what is the point.

  20. jesusclone1985
    jesusclone1985 says:

    Sam's came in very handy for my dad, who used to own a business. Buying in bulk was a lot cheaper in this case. He sold food there among other things. So in this case the gallons of condoments, food, paper products, etc. made sense.


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