Large Family Cooking and Canning from Scratch Week

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In today’s new large family meals of the week video, we have large family cooking and canning from scratch! We make several …

45 replies
  1. Tdew DN
    Tdew DN says:

    Jamerrill, Once I remove the pulp and bones from my Oster like you have and fill it back up with water I will get 14 quarts. I let cook another half hour on a simmer. That is only if I fill it back up with water.

  2. Raven Laughs
    Raven Laughs says:

    You could run a Bungie cord on the shelfs to help your jars in case of earthquake it is a cheap solution till you can figure out what to do. There is earthquake puddy that could be used under the jars sold at Lowe's or home Depot. If it was me I would use some crown moulding cut to fit one end to the other so it is a lip. I turned my racks upside down on my metal shelf giving a lip. Good luck earth is shaking, rattling and rolling.

  3. Judy Land-O'Brien
    Judy Land-O'Brien says:

    SO very satisfying to see all your canned goods! My mother-in-law and I used to can together…hours upon hours of working, talking, laughing and making loving memories. Thanks you, Jamerrill!! Sweet.

  4. Sharon Smith
    Sharon Smith says:

    Full of the Cold here in Scotland, I’ve been working through the batch frozen meals I have, tonight was beef stew and dumplings with frozen cheesy mash and frozen broccoli. I’ve never been so glad to have batched cooked

  5. Patti Foote
    Patti Foote says:

    Jamerrill, did you can the bone broth for 90 minutes because of the beef being in the broth? I also canned mandarin oranges but in orange juice! You are a amazing Mom and your canning pantry is awesome! I love you videos!

  6. Livin-the-life1958
    Livin-the-life1958 says:

    I have a helpful hint as far as a large spoon. Scoop type utensil. I Purchased a brand new kitty litter box scoop. The size is fabulous for scooping anything. I use it for my tomatoes. But it works great.

  7. paula elves
    paula elves says:

    my grandson loves that game ,but it is called,fustration here in england,,i love how you get so much done,and bone broth tastes so much better than just adding a stock cube ive started making my own, but i just freeze it as i,m not comfortable using a canner at the min,,,one day though xx

  8. Kathryn Bynum
    Kathryn Bynum says:

    I love your videos. I live by myself but I do love to see what you get done for your family. You have so much energy. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your family. Love your videos!

  9. Naomi van  Zyl
    Naomi van Zyl says:

    Jamerrill well done! I am by no means a seasoned canner. When working with broth, I like to use my Pyrex measuring jug to scoop out the broth, to transfer into my jars. I DO however, use a lot of towels or paper towels in the process ….

  10. lacyblack1
    lacyblack1 says:

    We tried doing the Mandarin oranges one time unfortunately I think we had 40 jars and in my opinion they were no good they were so mushy so now we just freeze extras. 😔

  11. South Loup River Homestead
    South Loup River Homestead says:

    Jamerill, Your a wonderful woman and as you like to say it makes my heart happy that you have your new kitchen.
    I have one of the cute blue waterbath canners but, they are to short IMO. I bought the largest stainless steel pot at Walmart and use that to waterbath. It's way taller and I feel safe that boiling water won't splash out. It's the 22 quart.


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