Korean crab stew (Kkotgetang: 꽃게탕)

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Today I’m going to show you how to make a delicious Korean crab stew called kkotgetang (꽃게탕). You can enjoy not only sweet crab meat but also the spicy, …

44 replies
  1. Нина Кофанова
    Нина Кофанова says:

    Как всегда, умница,хозяюшка.очень рада,что есть перевод на русский язык. Огромное спасибо за ваши знание,которыми вы делитесь с нами

  2. Literally awesome
    Literally awesome says:

    koreans eat rice using a bowl but in malaysia we eat a plate full of rice. There are many kinds of Korean side dishes as well. different cultures. It's best that Asians eat a lot of main dishes

  3. Rin
    Rin says:

    I am actually mad that I dont like squash or zucchini and that it makes my stomach upset. Every recipe or at restaurants everything is zucchini, anything healthy or tasty. I want to enjoy it too without picking out all the zucchini first

  4. Tekk
    Tekk says:

    I'm from Maryland where we worship the blue crab. Every summer I go down to the park and catch them myself off the dock. 🙂 I definitely gotta try this recipe this summer!!!

  5. 시간여행
    시간여행 says:

    와 꽃게탕!! 어렸을 때 할머니께서 가끔 해주셨던 추억의 음식이에요. 코로나로 할머니 못 본 지 일년이 넘었는데… 얼마전에 전화 드렸을 때 펑펑 우시면서 보고싶다고 하셔서 맘이 진짜 안좋았거든요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 이 영상 보고 연습해서 백신 접종 끝나면 꽃게탕 싸들고 할머니 면회 가고싶어요ㅠㅠ

  6. Morcant M.
    Morcant M. says:

    hi maangchi! I got very excited seeing the zucchini you used because it's a grey zucchini, or lebanese zucchini… there's a lebanese recipe called kousa where you stuff them with a mixture of rice, lamb, tomato, onion, parsley, & mint and cook them for about 45 minutes in a hearty tomato soup. it's been a favourite recipe of mine since I was a kid 🙂 I hope you get a chance to try kousa someday!

  7. Almasta Almasta
    Almasta Almasta says:

    Очень люблю корейскую кухню, живу на Сахалине, туттона очень распространена… Но это блюдо великолепно, но очень остро, по моему))))

  8. phượng hoàng
    phượng hoàng says:

    It’s look yummy! I like spicy food and love Korean food so much. I’m following a lot of recipe of yours and it turns out really good and tasty. So, can I cook this and save it in a fridge and eat it for a whole week ma’am?

  9. Lady Stardust
    Lady Stardust says:

    Made this tonight, and was able to get frozen flower crabs from my local Asian market. Unbelievably flavorful, and SO delicious. I grew up eating Maryland blue crabs, so eating the crab was everything I've done since I was a kid. I ate this with my father in mind, since he passed some years ago. He loved crabs, and loved Korean food. I know he's proud of my Korean cooking, and he'd have loved this stew. Thanks, Maangchi! Tomorrow I'm making your kimchi peppers and your chicken mandu.


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