Keto on the Couch 127 | Simplify your keto lifestyle

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The Salt Fix: Redmond products: Redmond life link: (use code “2krazyketos” for 15% off Keto Chow: …

19 replies
  1. Bingo1745
    Bingo1745 says:

    I would love to see anything you cook on the Blackstone. I Bought myself one because of you. Don’t think I have it seasoned up good yet.
    I realize that y’all are a pair and so many of your listeners cook for more than one but there are single people out here trying to cut every recipe into halves or eights and that goes especially for desserts. It’s really hard for everybody to have extra sweets in the fridge or on the counter – So single or not more than two serving Recipes would really be a plus. Thanks for all your Content…….. 👵🏻❤️👍

  2. Deborah Rafferty
    Deborah Rafferty says:

    Enjoying you On The Couch! First time I've seen this, but I have watched a couple of your other videos.

    I love the Has Fallen movies, too. The third is Angel Has Fallen, and there may be a fourth, Night Has Fallen. Hope So!

  3. lauralong777
    lauralong777 says:

    I'm 55 and I beat my 14-year-old boy in a race. We also got a phone call from my husband's boss and one of the younger kids answered the phone. His boss asked to speak to my husband and my daughter said he's in the shower, so he asked to speak to her mom and she said she's in the shower too. Ha, ha he had a lot of jokes from the men at work the next day! 🙂

  4. Debbi Jancaitis
    Debbi Jancaitis says:

    LONG post with comments / questions that I had during the video …..
    "Olympus Has Fallen" is great, need to watch it again and watch the others.
    Re: "dead men don't eat donuts", I have to do that with a lot of the recipes shown – do I REALLY need to make this? I try to see if I can make partial batch since it's only ME cuz I've learned enough about myself that if I have stuff in the house, I WILL EAT IT ALL and NOT over weeks period but like WITHIN the week or even days (like the brownies!!)! Definitely need to know if the recipe can be halved / quartered to make less
    Re: take time to eat – I have that problem – I got used to eating fast/cold food from raising my son on my own; since then I tend to eat and WORK at the same time
    when I go to your web page for "Macro Calculator", it says "Use the calculator below to determine your macros" but NO LINK ?
    I just ordered the Redmond new Strawberry Lemonade electrolytes – hoping I like since taking the bucket with me on trip coming up
    I would love a 2KK 'water' bottle for my Redmond / Ultima electrolyte water 🙂 and keep my KC bottles for my KC
    I'm like you, Rachel, I HATE throwing food out so I try to either purchase in individual portions OR split it up at home and use my Food Saver A LOT!!

  5. Patty Green
    Patty Green says:

    So I made it to my goal weight 💜 But I don't feel like I look any different when I was 3 pounds heavier? It must be a number/ mental thing? I wonder how low my weight will go 💕


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