JUICY KETO CHICKEN TENDERS! Easy, Simple, Low Carb Chicken Recipe for Air Fryer or Pan! 3g Net Carbs

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** TO SHALLOW FRY: I used about 1/2 cup of avocado oil** **TO AIRFRY: You can use avocado spray** Nutrition for ENTIRE PORK RINDS RECIPE: Calories …

44 replies
  1. Robert Rodriguez
    Robert Rodriguez says:

    Ok. This looks good. Why don't you eat the chicken without any sauce? That's how you get the real taste and crunch of the chicken. To me you are tasting the sauce and not the true flavor of the seasoning. That's my opinion.

  2. God is Love -Trish
    God is Love -Trish says:

    Myra, you go over the top to help us keep going on Keto your recipes makes it so easy will be making these tenders Monday love you channel you are so adorable and so knowledgeable with the Keto diet God Bless


    I've done these on the stove for a couple of years now… sometimes if I have extra carbs to spare I'll first egg wash and then dip in carbquick and then back to the egg wash and then pork rinds… yum… will have to do them in the airfryer! Woooowhooo!

  4. Judy Yangh
    Judy Yangh says:

    Hi! Love this channel! These were amazing! I just got alittle confused with the 3 net carbs… like is it for each tender? Or four? Lol sorry alittle slow here lol


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