Instant Pot Lobster Rolls

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Having recently spent a weekend in Maine, I ate my weight in lobster. Like, I seriously love the stuff (which is really strange because I somehow hated it as a kid.

35 replies
  1. Mark Cunningham
    Mark Cunningham says:

    Jeff not trying to be funny or anything but im from Kansas city Missouri love watching you cook in the instant pot ive had mine now for a couple of mo. Absolutely love it but my question is how is it cooking a lobster for lobster rolls a cruel or a inhumane way or vice versa thanks for answering my question love watching you on you tube and keep up the GREAT work

  2. David H
    David H says:

    On the evolutionary scale, the closest relatives to lobsters today are cockroaches. Cockroaches. People pay good money to exterminate them. Little kids love to stomp on them and make them crunch! That lobster was born to be eaten, probably by another lobster! They are cannibals! Your humanity is lost on the creatures. As for the surgical dispatch? Yeah, I do it, but it makes a (lobster) bloody mess! Lobster blood sprays everywhere, then you have to find it all to clean up the mess. Boil some water in a big pot. Pick Fred up, place him head down in the boiling water, and voila! 1 very dead lobster in seconds. No muss. No fuss. A little thrashing at the end, but hey, you hang a human being, the legs twitch for a few seconds. Doesn't mean the guy isn't dead! By the way, the recipe looks great, especially if you did it with home made mayonnaise. Have to try it.

  3. Atochabsh
    Atochabsh says:

    easier way to get the meat out of the tail is to remove the "uropods" off at the end. then take a fork and push from that end up and the tail meat will just come out nice and whole. That's how you do it in New England.

  4. The King
    The King says:

    I live in Maine and am from Maine…..I am walking Maine. You just made a watery mayonnaise mess. With that said……I bet it was pretty darn good! Where in Maine did you get your rolls?

  5. Glenda David
    Glenda David says:

    Jeffery I wonder how very large shrimp cut in two's would taste? I love shrimp but would that sauce work on shrimp as well what do you think? Or maybe can you try that? Come to Florida, Key West eat Fl Lobster's they are GREAT!

  6. Jennifer Herrington
    Jennifer Herrington says:

    I am with you on the way to cook lobsters that are still living. I cannot do that because it breaks my heart. I like to eat the tail after they have met their maker too, Thank you for sharing, Jeff! As always, I love your videos!!!

  7. CherylMASS(AOL Acct)
    CherylMASS(AOL Acct) says:

    Lobsters are $5.99 a pound this week. I bought two approximately 1 1/2 lbs. each. Unfortunately, they were soft shell and not as full as hard shelled. I got only 6 oz. of meat for $15. ☹️I made the recipe 😊 It was delicious. Like you said, tweak it to your own taste. So I didn't add quite as much mayo. I never used to add melted butter, but wow, that was a great addition. Waiting the 15 minutes was the hardest part of the recipe. I live near the coast, so I'll definitely make this again. Right now the shells are simmering for lobster bisque. 😅Thanks Jeffrey!

  8. Karen Rothwell
    Karen Rothwell says:

    Looks SO good! I think I may have to find me some lobster tails! I wonder if I can find Parker House Rolls locally? Nothing better than a Lobster Roll on a true Parker House Roll! Mmmmmmm! BTW, LOVE your Adventureland plate!

  9. Susan Morris
    Susan Morris says:

    Oh wow these look great Jeff, my husband will be in 7th heaven when I make these as he loves any kind of fish but especially lobster. Costco run at the weekend as our local supermarket only had 6" tails for $9.99lb I can't wait to make these delicious lobster rolls in my instant pot. Thanks so much for sharing.


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