I'm back with one mock meat to rule them all: CHICKENY CHICKLESS SEITAN! | Mary's Test Kitchen

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Hi Friends! And not-yet-friends! I’m so excited to share this perfect plant-based stand-in for chicken to veganize your favourite …

21 replies
  1. Nicolas Messier
    Nicolas Messier says:

    WOW! I just made the best "beef" shreds I have ever done thanks to you!!
    It is a long project to achieve, but so worth it. I went for a more beefy profile (reduced red wine shallots and garlic, cocoa, beet powder, home smoked tofu). The meat was so thigh that the shredding was almost a workout! 😛

    This could also be cut it for steaks or sliced for lunchmeat.

    Dont snooze on that one people!

    And big up to you Mary. (I just gave you a shoutout with pics in the Seitan Apreciaton Society FB group to spread the good news).

  2. Amanda Rossouw
    Amanda Rossouw says:

    I like your recipes but unfortunately wheat gluten does not agree with me to a point where I became physically ill after I consume it. Can you do a similar recipe with out the wheat gluten. Thanks

  3. Shirley Hallett
    Shirley Hallett says:

    Thank you so much for the grams! I've not had much success with Seitan in the past using cups for the VWG, as the quantity can vary so much and I was never sure what was the "right" consistency. Happy days!


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