How to Pressure Can SOUP

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Step-by-step instructions on HOW TO CAN soup. Canned soup will save money on groceries and can be used to make quick meals. If you like our videos, give …

44 replies
  1. Dawn Hartwell
    Dawn Hartwell says:

    I noticed you’re using previously canned potatoes and carrots and then cooking them for an hour with the other ingredients. Then you pressure can them for the allotted time. Won’t the carrots and potatoes be mushy?

  2. Ben Newman
    Ben Newman says:

    I cooked a large pot of chicken vegetable soup that I intend to can a portion of. This will be my first attempt at canning. Can I just fill the jars with the soup and start the pressure canning process? The videos I've seen show layering raw materials into the jar and then start the canning process.

  3. SandyClaus
    SandyClaus says:

    Newbie subscriber and canner. Oh my goodness, your soup looks sooooo yummy. Soups are my favorite. I love your videos, you show so much great info that helps make it not so intimidating for newbies. Love love love how you show and highlight the USDA book. It's a little bit overwhelming just opening that book. Lol 😆 Thanks for all you do.

  4. Joyce Clark
    Joyce Clark says:

    You do not have to pressure can any jar. I have canned everything for years in a water bath or just sterilized jars and lids and just filled the jar and seal and everything is just fine.

  5. John M
    John M says:

    Hey everyone, I’m new to pressure canning and want to can my mothers Brunswick stew. It’s basically tomatoes, corn, chicken and pork. There’s a little butter, vinegar, and seasoning. Anybody know of any reason why I should not can this? Will this “soup” be safe to store long term once canned properly?
    Thanks everyone (:

  6. Dr Susun
    Dr Susun says:

    New subscriber, new cannier , need new Ex. I am so freaked out but I bought a pressure canner, I bought a water bath cannier and about 12 cases of jars so far. Bought kit. Funnels, magnet strip bubble decanner etc. About 3 cases of jelly jars. (So cute) I am so afraid I would hire someone to do my canning. What scares me most is lids on/lids off. Soo many opinions – who is right? My 80 year old uncle canned green beans with me and INSISTED I leave rings on. Ham..potatoes and green beans with onions. Stored in dark cabinet. I only had 2 not seal out of 14. Could you PLEASE tell me WHY rings are dangerous if I don't leave seal on them? I love idea of canning soup. I would love you and appreciate any info. I watched your beginners video but some of these people have scared me to death. IM NOT a dumb as but too many "promises" from different people. You seem intelligent and sure of your techniques Sooo IM TRUSTING you. I want to can chicken..hamburger, chili and beef and beef stew. (I am getting more jars. Have 2 wide mouth quarts…want some wide mouth pints. Thank you so much for any help.🙄

  7. Tina B.
    Tina B. says:

    Did you say you re-use those canning lids? Also, shouldn't you always wash those new lids out of the package? It even says to on the package. Maybe you did, and it got edited out, LOL. You no longer have to simmer them, but you should always wash them. Your soup looks really delicious! Thanks for sharing your recipes, and knowledge!

  8. Joyce Chapman
    Joyce Chapman says:

    Is it safe to pressure can ham? I watch another video and she said absolutely never can ham because it is cured and will cause botulism. I am new and trying to learn what to do and not to do for safety. She said any plain meats are fine, but, nothing that is cured should ever be pressure canned. There is so much information out there that it is hard to know what is fact and what isn't. I've seen some of your videos and like what I have learned. The other lady was a science teacher for years. She is older. She is passionate. She is not my favorite person on youtube, but, she claims to be very scientifically knowledgeable. Me, I'm just confused because ham and beans would be an awesome thing to have in the pantry on those nights when I want a quick simple meal or in case of an emergency. Thank you.


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