How to make your own cream cheese | Instant Pot Cream Cheese

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Recipe: Keto Chow:

23 replies
  1. Dr.Connie Nohns
    Dr.Connie Nohns says:

    I love your telling the world everyone can make cream cheese. …But Kefir Cream Cheese is even easier to make, and loaded with Probiotics!
    Just Kefir Grains + Whole Milk.
    Put the kefir grains in a jar with milk.
    Leave it on the counter for a day.
    The next day strain out the grains, and enjoy your kefir. (Only 1% lactose remains.)
    Put a coffee filter into a mesh strainer, over a container. Fill it with the kefir.
    The next day, the whey will be in the bottom container, and what's left in the filter/strainer is a really nice consistency of cream cheese!

    Let me know if you'd like more details.

  2. JuJu GoKeto
    JuJu GoKeto says:

    This really will change your thoughts about store purchased cream cheese. I started making ricotta cheese years ago. Life changing. Store stuff is gritty, homemade is so creamy and fabulous. Making cream cheese this week. Thanks!

  3. Carol Naughton
    Carol Naughton says:

    Rachel you are so beautiful and very cute. I've been watching some of your older videos and I love your dark hair. If you dye it I like it dark. But your hair is really pretty now too. But thought it was striking and thought I'd share

  4. S F
    S F says:

    Hey Rachel and Joe,enjoy your videos and your bountiful energy!! This question has nothing to do with cream cheese. I am starting BBBE tomorrow am I allowed to have pork sausage patties that have clean ingredients or bacon Only??


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