How to Make the Ultimate Cream of Tomato Soup

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Host Bridget Lancaster prepares the Ultimate Cream of Tomato Soup. Get the recipe for Ultimate Cream of Tomato Soup: …

44 replies
  1. avidrdr
    avidrdr says:

    May I make a suggestion that most people don't know about brown sugar? Don't spend that extra money on it. Brown sugar is nothing more and nothing less than granulated white sugar mixed with black strap molasses. Mix it as light or as dark as you want, as needed. A jar of molasses will last for years, plus no more brown sugar bricks left in the in the pantry too long.

  2. rhijulbec1
    rhijulbec1 says:

    One big onion chopped coursely
    One can fire roasted tomatoes (plain)
    1-2 tbsps sugar (or whatever you need to take that bit of acidity out)
    2 tbsps butter
    S & P
    Saute onion in butter about 5 mins
    Add tomatoes, sugar & S&P.
    Bring to a boil.
    Turn to med low. Cook 10-15 mins.
    Use immersive blender in pot or blender and puree!
    Takes, in total, less than 20 minutes.
    No need to roast or clean or drain.
    If you want to get fancy, you can add whatever else you like~herbs, garlic, cream etc.
    I love the simple recipe. It's soothing and warming and not at all complex. A bowl of that with a few crackers crumbled in, is great for recovering from your immune system doing what it should, after your third dose of the covid vaccine! 😂
    Jenn 🇨🇦 👋 👋 Hello from Canada

  3. Gary Strittmater
    Gary Strittmater says:

    Probably the best recipe for cream of tomato soup I've ever seen. I just wonder if you could use a large can of V-8 juice instead of the chicken stock, i think it would bring a new flavor element to the soup. I'm just thinking around the edges of the box but I really hate to mess with perfection!

  4. Demetrios Christopher
    Demetrios Christopher says:

    There's a reason that if you Google Bridget's full name, the first question under "People also ask" is "Is Bridget still married?". 😂 Central Market's catch-phrase is "Really into food!" … I think Bridget should sue them for false advertising and trademark infringement.

    One day when I don't mind making a mess, I will attempt this soup! It looks amazing! I would experiment with avocado, lime, basil upon plating …

  5. Barnaby Thorngate
    Barnaby Thorngate says:

    Dear America, I would like to introduce you to my friend the Gram and his close relative the Liter. I'm sure you will get along famously and that both will make you're very excellent recipes much easier. You're welcome!

  6. Steve Skouson
    Steve Skouson says:

    Canned tomatoes, and aluminium foil?
    No aluminium/acid conflict? Sorry, I put
    some lasagna, topped with foil, in the
    oven, wherever the foil touches the
    sauce, holes are etched into the foil.
    (And, all that aluminium has dissolved
    into my food. Wonder what is happening
    to the aluminium tray underneath?

    My Mother always called them "toasted
    cheese" sandwiches. Buttered both sides,
    of both pieces of bread. Toasted the inner
    sides, flipped one over and placed a slice
    of cheese on it, and then put the other
    toasted piece on top. Cook both outer
    sides, until they were done to perfection.


  7. Kessler1 Kessler
    Kessler1 Kessler says:

    So I don’t have a blender, but I have an immersion blender. What do I need to change exactly? So just the cooked tomatoes and a cup of liquid…. Understood…. But what else should be changed?

  8. Luxury Habitat
    Luxury Habitat says:

    This can easily be made Vegan friendly by using vegetable boullion instead of chicken broth (i use roasted veg better than boullion from whole foods) and instead if cream blend raw soaked cashew 1/2 cup with one and one half cup water. Will be just as delicious.

  9. tosin
    tosin says:

    as an avid cognac drinker i was a bit confused when she said she was going to add some brandy and opened the bottle of hennessy cognac then said you COULD add sherry or cognac.

  10. Peter Arnold
    Peter Arnold says:

    Could you get more of those roast tomatoes off the foil with a cup of the tomato juice and a bit more scraping, or would the foil tear? I might try this but with a stainless steel pan instead.


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