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Recipe: #veganchef #veganfoodshare #veganrecipes #veganfood …

30 replies
  1. Grapejuice
    Grapejuice says:

    It’s funny how tofu is Chinese and somehow in the west you tend to use Japanese terminology for things of Chinese origin such as the many forms of soy such as green soy or mushrooms that were originally from China. Even ramen was brought to Japan by Chinese immigrants who opened up Chinese restaurants just like they have done elsewhere around the world.
    Japan was the first country in east Asia to open up to the west post Industrial Revolution which is why many things that were originally from China are now regarded to be of Japanese origin.

  2. Minnepeg and Cam
    Minnepeg and Cam says:

    I think tofu is wonderful and versatile for those who enjoy it but I’ve never found a technique or recipe myself that got me past the texture to eat more than a bite. I’ve pressed it and done the crispy corn starch thing aka the dusty kneaded eraser. I adore miso soup but not the bean flavored pieces of warm cantaloupe floating in my precious broth. I’ve glazed it with killer homemade orange sauce and slapped it on the grill only to trade dusty kneaded eraser to sticky kneaded eraser. Texture is such a wack thing for our bodies to utterly reject food over and you literally can’t get passed it either.

  3. Rasta Schatzie
    Rasta Schatzie says:

    This is brilliant! I’ve been wanting to make my own tofu for a while now, because I really don’t want to have plastic in my life as much anymore. Could you tell me:
    Does it freeze well? Thank you so much for all you do! I love your channel.🤓


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