HOW TO HEAL YOUR GUT ON A VEGAN DIET | best probiotic foods

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Sharing my tips on how to heal your gut on a vegan diet and the best probiotic foods you should be eating. Food-specific discussion starts at 2:30, so skip ahead …

47 replies
  1. Taylor Marshall
    Taylor Marshall says:

    Have you ever tried L Glutamine? I was vegan 5 years, have leaky gut now. I was having daily stomach pain, lots of food bothered me. Within a few days the pain started to go away, I'm experimenting with a higher dose now and cutting out gluten and dairy. Hoping I can heal this, gut issues suck :/

  2. Danielle Stoor
    Danielle Stoor says:

    Your IBS video in conjunction with this video is great! My daughter had great results with low fodmaps.๐Ÿ˜ She could not do probiotics or sauerkraut instead she did low spice kinship. Which was wrrird because capsaicin was a trigger food๐Ÿค”. Thanks a bunch for these veggi videos!๐Ÿ‘.

  3. Black_Dove
    Black_Dove says:

    Hi, I'm your new subbie.
    Spent last night in a hospital ER due to side effects of fluoroquinolones i.e. cipro for diverticulitis.
    Now, Bactrim (and Flagyl).
    Feeling much, much better at home.
    What are your thoughts about refrigerated probiotics?
    Also, recently decided that keto won't work out for me, animals and their byproducts do my gut wrong and this is coming from a woman who ate meat as a child and had a healthy body weight after three sons.
    Food Inc. which I also call 'Big Food' corrupted the food supply and for the life of me I cannot understand why.
    I feel sorry for the animals too, their diets have been corrupted as well and their habitats.
    Earth is ridding itself of its human parasite and it won't be long now.

  4. Gabriela One
    Gabriela One says:

    How about sourdough bread? From my understanding not all sourdough bread are made equally. If I remember correctly companyโ€™s add vinegar.
    Quality sourdough breads are now only found in small bakery like mama and papa who spend the time to let it ferment.

  5. Mu Jin Han / Fearless Mu
    Mu Jin Han / Fearless Mu says:

    MOST sauerkrauts and pickles sold in USA and in some countries are NOT probiotic. They are pasteurized by law….which means that all probiotics are dead.
    To be safe…make your own. Easy and cheap. Or make sure they're labeled "raw", "uncooked", or "unpasteurized"

  6. JoJoZep ofthejungle
    JoJoZep ofthejungle says:

    The only thing that bothers me about vegan food bought in a store is the additives like propylene glycol a known carcinogens and metabisulphate too close to chlorine and is it good to eat so much gum because that's what 50% of those yogurts have because you can't make thick coconut yogurt. I feel better on a vegan diet don't get me wrong but the companies are making vegan food just as bad as regular white diet food, it's upsetting.

  7. oc tober
    oc tober says:

    I am suffering with diggestive isssues for the last 4 years now. It started when I ate too much of sweet stuff … boom, after few months I had started getting bloating, it was so sudden for me … and after this incidence it got so much worse as the time passed by, now I am 21, have extreme hair loss, worse skin condition, always sick, can't eat anything without getting bloating,it's the gas that I can't even hold back๐Ÿ™ˆ… it's like hell, I can't sit next to other people in class or even in the tram, if i do… I feel like they can smell it, which probably they do tho … after i told this the doctors, they did endoscopy, found nothing … so they gave me anti biotica for atleast 3 years… I stopped it since 1 year … now I found something on the internet, how to heal the gut, but I don't know if this is the right path and I also don't know whom to consult, bec here I Germany the homeopathic doctors are pretty expensive& I am only student & I can't ask my parents for money Bec they invested already so much without result .. and job in this condition is impossible, even class is hell, they open the Windows even tho is cold and I feel like its Bec of me….
    But I can't stop now, bec if i do it would a waste for all the days I fought…

    If u could give me ur email, I could write u the plan, and if it's alright?
    Cause I am tired of fighting, embarrassment, and feeling like this

  8. Gouri Anand
    Gouri Anand says:

    Olives (soaked in water and salt)
    Pickles in salt water Not vinegar (usually says active culture on it)
    Onion, Garlic, Artichoke, Legumes, Sweet Potatoes
    Cacao Powder

  9. Jacky Erez
    Jacky Erez says:

    very nice!! i like it, you are beautiful and your voice is so nice – makes this useful video very pleasant…
    very short and accurate, very informative…like i said i like it very much
    i would add some more information on what to avoid maybe there is some food that is less good to consume….(because thats what im looking right now after seeing your video ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Daniela Nyvltova
    Daniela Nyvltova says:

    A great and informative video. You are very pleasant. And most importantly that you are promoting a compassionate, plant based diet! <3 I am just not sure about the red wine… Recently I watched many videos from the hero of plant based doctors, Dr. Klaper and he mentioned that alcohol is super bad for the gut – it is a sterilization agent that kills all the good bacteria. I am confused. (He mentioned that they wash their medical equipments in alcohol to disinfect it.)

  11. SoJeanGarbo
    SoJeanGarbo says:

    Wow! I've realized I don't like most of the foods with probiotics. I don't like the taste of tempeh, chocolate, kombucha, olives, most yogurts, sauerkraut nor kimchi! ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜– Guess I'll just take a probiotic supplement โ˜น๏ธ

  12. Steven Heffernan
    Steven Heffernan says:

    Great video. Although, I had one question, the probiotic supplement youโ€™re seen taking in the video contains milk so isnโ€™t vegan. Is this one exception you allow to ensure full range of important probiotics?


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