How to: Dakjuk – Korean Chicken Porridge | Simple & Easy!

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Today, I’ll show you how to make Dak Juk (닭죽) – Korea Chicken Porridge! Dak means Chicken and Juk means Porridge in Korean. It’s the classic food to eat in …

39 replies
  1. Future Neighbor
    Future Neighbor says:

    When did you add the chicken?! It seems like we skipped that part in the video (bad Daniel!)… just add it into the pot after you're done shredding! Timing is not important 😉

  2. Poulomi Hari
    Poulomi Hari says:

    In my part of the world we eat something called "Phena Bhat". Its just rice cooked with too much water along with various seasonal veggies to give it a starchy flavour. It is served with a large dollop of ghee (clarified butter). I had a sick stomach today so guess what I had for my meals.

  3. adwicate1
    adwicate1 says:

    Thank you for showing us authentic Korean cuisine…saw your other vids as well… was looking for this kinda cooking channel for so long gr8 job…

  4. Angela Segarra
    Angela Segarra says:

    I've been enjoying a lot of your soup recipes. Even though it's still pretty warm where I live, it hits the spot. I just recently shared your vegetable porridge with my daughter, since she was feeling under the weather. She didn't want to cook with a lot of ingredients since her stomach was bothering her and the porridge was perfect. She loved the soup and felt much better that she had to message me at 4am.🙄 Thanks soooooo much and here's to comfort food.

    PIXI KITTY says:

    Is adding ginger a bad idea? Im currently super ill and am gonna make this for myself and i remembered that ginger is ment to be good when yyou are ill

  6. Teena
    Teena says:

    The comment about allergies at the end is my life 😩 lol. I’m not waiting until I’m sick to make this one. It looks too good! Thank you Dan-yul!


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