For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

Hello friends, my name is Christine, and welcome to Frugal Fit Mom! In a version of a pantry challenge, please cook with me today on a budget as I show you …

46 replies
  1. Tiffany Sheler
    Tiffany Sheler says:

    For the pinto beans in IP, do you let them natural release the full time, or instant release? I've tried doing beans in mine and it took several tries because they were still hard. I can't do rice in it either. Help!

  2. Kristina Tidwell
    Kristina Tidwell says:

    My favorite beans to eat? I can't pick between chili beans or black beans. But I have a bunch of great northern beans, and I can't find navy beans or cannellini beans that are dry. I'm located in Temple TX.

  3. Kristina Tidwell
    Kristina Tidwell says:

    I received a mini instant pot for Christmas so idk if its 2Q or 3Q? I'm not sure what I should try to cook first? Up to now I've been using my crock pot that's 3Q. I'm an empty nester so my kids are grown, it's just me. 🙂

  4. melior
    melior says:

    Very much agreed on the multicooker! The only thing I'd add is make sure you get one with a stainless steel pot. The teflon-coated ones aren't going to last as long. You can find off-brand ones for pretty cheap if you watch for them. For example, just this past weekend (on January 8th, 2021) Best Buy had their Insignia brand 6qt stainless steel multi-cooker for $30, which is 50% off.

  5. George Hoffman
    George Hoffman says:

    I've cooked with dry beans for years, but I thought you'd probably teach me something new; I was right! I've been mulling over getting an "Instant Pot" for a while. I think you just convinced me. Thanks for all of your videos!

  6. Karin Cope
    Karin Cope says:

    I can my black beans in pints , I also do garbanzo and I add chilli and garlic , love them both in salads , I make hummus all the time . I can do 2 rows in my large AA pressure canner .

  7. Dusti Boring
    Dusti Boring says:

    I love my instant pot for beans too. We love a big pot of pinto beans flavored with ham hocks or bacon, chili powder, brown sugar, cumin, salt and black pepper…. and some good ole cornbread!!

    I also use my instant pot for spaghetti with meat sauce and I only cook pasta in the instant pot… no more stove top for pasta ever again!!!!

  8. Natalie Cheney
    Natalie Cheney says:

    Here's a tip for you…
    When soaking your beans add a boulion cube per cup of dry bean. Soak overnight or on the stove. This is rinsed off before the actual cooking time. Pick a flavor any flavor…lol
    Works like a marinade. Soaks in like a sponge.
    Bon appetite 🙏

    I love navy beans with chicken legs ♡

  9. Jennifer Davis
    Jennifer Davis says:

    I just made your chicken and rice casserole. With uncle Tony Tony seasoning, I love it. Thank you, so easy I added a can of mixed veggie, but I think I will do fresh carrots and celery with onion next time mm mm yum

  10. Jessica H
    Jessica H says:

    My favorite bean is actually black bean, and I will put it in almost any dish that calls for beans. They are so creamy and I just love them. However… I kind of love most beans. I have all the beans you cooked in my food storage, and I felt like when you said, Jessica, this is for you, you can do it, you were talking to me. lol I know, I'm weird. Thanks for the vid.

  11. Ana H
    Ana H says:

    Boil dry beans first, without salt. Then drained that water and cook it with seasoning. They will cook faster than ever. No need to soak anything.

  12. Gretchen Arrant
    Gretchen Arrant says:

    Thank you!! Where did you get your spoons? They are so cute!! I lucked out with my instant pot. It was brand new, never used. Marked 9.95, but got for 4.95 on senior day half price at a local thrift shop. The right place at the right time indeed! Love your videos.

  13. Always learning
    Always learning says:

    Was curious to know, once the beans are cooked in the instant pot, do you let it release on it's own or do you use the quick release method? I know some things they say you shouldn't quick release and am just getting used to my new pressure cooker, so any tips would be appreciated! Thanks 🙂

  14. Laura Pili
    Laura Pili says:

    I tried, again, to soak kidney beans in water over night. Ended up throwing them away because they never got soft and started to ferment. Tried it also in a pot on the stove, there those away also. Any suggestions as to what might be going wrong?

  15. Lynn Whiteley
    Lynn Whiteley says:

    Hi! Love your videos, you bring such a great energy and humor to them.
    Do you find yourself reaching for the 6 or 8 qt instapot more? They’re both on sale right now at Best Buy and the 8 quart is only 10 dollars more so I’m just wondering if it’s something I’ll use more…
    The only thing I could think of was like really big cuts of meat (I live with just one other person so that doesn’t happen too often) or like 2 gallon amounts of bone broth (honestly, usually goes on the stove anyway).


  16. Sha
    Sha says:

    Thank you for the no salting during cooking tip. I think that's why my beans have failed no matter the cooking method. I'm going to hopefully make my first fully successful batch!


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