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34 replies
  1. Beth P
    Beth P says:

    Being an owner and enthusiastic user of cast iron, including enamel cast iron, for over 35 years, I must say I learned a lot from this video. I have a Wagner Drip Drop Roaster, Lodge skillets, including a two burner griddle, and a set of LeCreuset cookware. I was struggling over keeping my LeCreuset Dutch Oven because it’s a little stained on the bottom. When you showed yours, I’m convinced I need to keep it! Thank you so much for this information.

  2. Rebecca O
    Rebecca O says:

    Absolutely LOVED this video. This was comprehensive yet not over my head. I was amazed by the knowledge shared and the tips that were given. Definitely going to use them when I go shopping at thrift/antique stores and purchasing new! Can't wait for the next installment. I also really liked them being broken down into installments and not feeding us with a firehose!

  3. Thomas Jordan
    Thomas Jordan says:

    Several things here. Star Gazer makes modern smooth pans for under $100. Smooth isn't any better than rough finish. Lodge makes the surface rough to reduce sticking. I own both like many who own both, I can tell you that neither is more non stick than the other. I have a 1980's Wagner that is glass smooth and sells used in the $30-50 range. So there are less expensive smooth pans out there if you look for them. Better yet, try carbon steel, smooth as glass, just as good as CI and much lighter.

  4. White Alliance
    White Alliance says:

    Some dude great grandmother passed away in my community and he threw away every thing i tried to convince him to take the cast iron pans but he didnt see the value…

    Its the modern rough 3 sizes of skillets omg it was such a good fortune he did not want them! Cast iron get passed from one generation to another it will save you money !

  5. SponkADonk
    SponkADonk says:

    Y'all. Don't put thought into buying a cast iron skillet. Just buy one. Anywhere. Season it well. Clean it correctly. Dry after that and cover in very small amount of oil to keep seasoned and avoid rust. That's all.

    It's so absurd that there are videos like this. My best cast iron skillet?? The one I got from Dollar General years ago when going to stay in a cabin on vacation. It cost like $8! It doesn't matter what cast iron you buy. This is ridiculous click bait.

  6. Lauren Walker
    Lauren Walker says:

    This was such an amazing educational video! I’ve been a little intimidated to get started, but this makes me feel confident heading in to find some starter cast iron. Thank you!!

  7. Diane Magiera
    Diane Magiera says:

    I've been considering buying a cast iron skillet so when I watched this video I was very excited. I live in New England so antique shops are everywhere. I am looking forward to doing some antique shopping and I can't wait for your next video in this series. I find you very inspiring.

  8. Jill Kimpflein
    Jill Kimpflein says:

    Just a little off topic, what are your thoughts on cast aluminum? I have inherited them from my husband's grandmother. I love then but am starting to wounder if they're safe.

  9. Almosa Ranch
    Almosa Ranch says:

    Thank you! It's nice to know. I have actually wanted to look it all up, but never took that time. I see so many cast iron pans in sales, and often wondered what to look for. So thank you so much for taking time to explain.

  10. Joshua Smith
    Joshua Smith says:

    I have some antique cast and some modern rough. If you buy modern rough, place pan inside a garbage bag and spray with oven cleaner. Let sit for 24 hrs. Scrub clean under water and start to season as normal. Presto, smooth cast ready to cook.

  11. kaisenji
    kaisenji says:

    Inherit pieces from the family or an old co-worker. My mom has this GIANT cast iron skillet that she got from her old supervisor after she passed away. Lily was from Japan so the cast iron's actual age is unknown or even if it is from the states. Lily was a victim of the Japanese American interment camps, never spoke about it but that pan came from her family. Mom says they must have always made fish in it as even long after Lily stopped cooking (almost a decade before she died), when used, it has a fishy smell. XD I have a piece from my Dad which may or may not have been from his parents. Great, all purpose pan that just rocks fried chicken! We purchased a wonderful dutch oven with lid for both in home and camping. Rocks those biscuits!

  12. Dinah Sisson
    Dinah Sisson says:

    Great information! Thank you so much for sharing. Looking forward to the seasoning video as I thought I knew how but when I tried to season one it's all sticky and not usable. Hoping after your next video I can redo mine and get good use out of it 🙂 also love that I now know how to cruise the antique shops for those goodies!


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