How a Michelin Star Indian Chef Makes Chicken Curry at Home | Passport Kitchen | Epicurious

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Chef Akshay Bhardwaj joins Epicurious for another episode of Passport Kitchen, today making a chicken curry in the style …

30 replies
  1. Aniruddha Jadhav
    Aniruddha Jadhav says:

    Chef Akshay is not a Michelin star chef. Chef Vikas Khanna got Junoon a Michelin star. Chef Akshay’s father is the owner of the restaurant and there seems to have been some differences between chef khanna and him. So, now the restaurant is now led by Akshay and the restaurant is no longer on Michelin list.

  2. BingBong
    BingBong says:

    Looks pathetic. Almost every north indian mom in the country can make 10 times better tasting chicken curry than this bloke and every mom in the country can definitely make rotis that don’t look this horrible

  3. Elle 77
    Elle 77 says:

    Chicken curry in the east of India is also very different but then hardly anyone ever brings it up because of lack of knowledge by mainstream chefs. There's more to India than the North and the South.
    Also, the spices need to be cooked till the oil separates for the actual flavour to come through.

  4. Ryan Spencer Lauderdale
    Ryan Spencer Lauderdale says:

    I’ll tell you what. If we had Smell-O-Vision technology developed, I would want to try it with Indian food. The level of spices, aromatics and flavors that go into Indian cuisine is just insane at this point.


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