Greens that Really Make You Think… (Gone 🤔🤔🤔?) PREMIUM GREENTEXTS for the PRE-HOLIDAY BLUES!!! :D

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I have completely run out of rhymes. RIP poetic video titles. ⚰️⚰️⚰️☠️ Thinking about ordering Taco Bell tonight… or maybe Carls Jr. I’m more in the mood for …

48 replies
  1. Goth Crayon
    Goth Crayon says:

    Also: In regard to the "lost my position/career over touching some obnoxious coworker's phone."

    It's morbidly hilarious trend in society when a hard-working and competent employee can find themselves irreparably demoted and their career derailed as a consequence of a singular complaint from a self-aggrandized temp employee (who won't even be remembered by the end of the year) about an utterly inconsequential matter.

    It's better still, when you realize that company who demoted you as a wildly disproportionate reaction to the perceived slight? They hire some rando' chuckle-f*ck to take over your prior responsibilities/position, who (through their own incompetence and other assorted shortcomings) creates enough accumulated drag via mismanagement and contemptible work ethic to cause the operations of the ENTIRE company to grind to a screeching halt.

    MFW: Spineless manager loses their own job and company in the chain-reaction caused by pandering to some interchangeable, drooling neanderthal (who would occupy their seasonal part-time entry-level position another week, then quitting without prior notice).

    MFW: Watching it all unfold, while securing a vastly better job elsewhere a week before the entire company would file Chapter 7 bankruptcy?


  2. Goth Crayon
    Goth Crayon says:

    "Stop eating so much and you won't be fat."

    Damnit, Sweener! You can't say that sort of thing to them!

    You should be encouraging *body positivity*! If shoving "Chrischeetos"(*¹) down their distended meat-pipes gives their lives "meaning," and feel free to express themselves by piling on layer upon layer of unwashed, fetid, Bassett-Hound-esque flaps of bedsore real estate?

    It's your duty as a color/height/weight/gender/sexuality/religion-blind member of society to generate positivity for people who have beauty of the different-but-not-different-at-all variety. Their choices should be celebrated!

    ….[ Dry-heave ]

    Yeah, I could use a half pound of activated charcoal and a round of chemo' after that one.

    Eh, worth it.

    *¹: Cheetos, which have been lubricated with Crisco and denial.

  3. Gator Operator
    Gator Operator says:

    Be me try to murder this teenager with a glock I'm going to fake surrender and then kill him (points gun at teenager) (pow) ah my arm it's a spaghetti arm medddddiiicc!! Be me let me hit this fleeting kid with a skateboard like I do to my wife (pow) – ow my hear-(falls over)
    Be me me lunged for this kid while screaming I'm gonna kill him after I attempted to ram a bombed out flaming dumpster into a gas station this will go over so we(powp) ow I've be sho- (shot in side of head) be me hderrrrrrrrrrrrrryuuurrrrr retard brain hemorrhage ensues 🙂

  4. Mystery Man
    Mystery Man says:

    Be me, work in truck terminal, get all sorts of fucking weird ass dudes every week.
    One of my home fleet truckers talks about “that one weird guy from this morning”, i look at the list and find a name i remember for a guy who reminds me of buffalo bill. Begin to talk about said weird guy. My home fleet trucker says that he had to move his unit, and that he had “stuffed animals” in his cab.

    I gotta check it out.

    Get Weirdo’s truck number, go in the yard, and find it. Go to the passenger side and, honest to god, I find a stained Lola Bunny plushie buckled into the passenger seat of the truck.

    Fall into the muddy lot and begin to wretch.

  5. Jon Miller
    Jon Miller says:

    And here I was settling in for a long night of drugs and The Binding of Isaac with some YouTube on for background noise. You've always got my attention front and center though Sweenie.

    Edit – Fairly smooth transition from 16th century English ruffian to 1990s New York city ruffian.


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