Food Bank Haul With Meal 11-12-22 | Dinner in Under 20 Minutes!

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Come see what I received at the food bank this week and what I make from some of the items! Thank you for all the love and …

27 replies
  1. Optimystic1
    Optimystic1 says:

    I am a brand-new subscriber. I must say you are an inspiration! I have worked in high volume bakery production myself. Your prep and cooking skills are invaluable to your family. Keep warm and keep up the food pantry hauls. I'm so glad that you are explaining to people that this food will be thrown away if not consumed quickly. This is the smart and responsible way to supplement.

  2. Carol Church
    Carol Church says:

    The snow is beautiful, I hadn't thought of using greens in egg roll in a bowl. Looked delicious, I see you like cooking with Pam too love her.At least I think that was a nod to her lol.I missed her live stream today but I figured I probably would cause of the time for me. GOD BLESS!

  3. Amy
    Amy says:

    I wanted to tell you thank you for showing the prep process. I have always been intimidated at prepping cabbage because I wasn't sure how to cut it up.

  4. Brenda Stuemke
    Brenda Stuemke says:

    Love egg roll in a bowl! I am going to add that to this weeks menu!
    I want to try a recipe with the exact yogurt that you picked up in food haul, it’s a 2 ingredient recipe for bagels. I will have to look up the recipe on Pinterest, not sure what I did with it. I still can’t believe it only has a couple ingredients and it turned out in her video.
    I have never had Swiss chard, what does it taste like?
    Thank you for another great video of inspiration! The snow looked so beautiful! We just got snow this week, some areas received 18 plus inches here in Minnesota🥶I know it’s coming every year but somehow I am never 100% prepared for it! Still have a few more things to put away outside🤭

  5. ann cc
    ann cc says:

    I have a question have you ever tried to grow the cabbage that you get from the pantry kind of like stallions and onions you put it in a little dish in water by your window or wherever you get sunlight the most and the bottom kind of gets yucky but it starts to sprout really good roots so don't be surprised if that happens if you decide to try this and you literally get average from the little I guess you call it the stem or the core I guess you would call it the core and you can just keep growing cabbages at the present moment I'm dehydrating a lot of celery cuz in the last two days I got like three Bunches of celery from the pantry my daughter likes celebrate my husband likes celery but there's just so much celery you can eat in a one sitting or in a while so I just put it in the freezer until I was ready to prepare it so what I did now is take it out the freezer and I'm dehydrating it after it's dehydrated I'm going to put it in a blender and make celery powder and that's good for soups and sauces and stuff like that so I'm going to see how that works also you can put the celery powder in your smoothies

  6. abcjerilee
    abcjerilee says:

    Did someone teach you how to cook, or did you learn on your own? No one taught me how to cook, and at 18, the first meal I cooked for my new husband was fried bologna sandwiches. LOL I had to go to the local library and look stuff up. Is just seems so easy for you.

  7. regina briggs
    regina briggs says:

    I lived in the orient for 3 years with military. I learnt alot of Asian cooking. My 2 best add inspiration to my dishes. Toasted sesame oil and Hoisen sauce. And sometimes oyster sauce.

  8. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    Hello from Oregon you sun shine home. He He He 😆 ok so I was telling you I made zucchini pineapple I can tell you I'm planting more next year and taking all free I can get. It's so good I put it into Jell-O cups I make for the grandkids and stir fry and on top of pizza but my new thing I have my dehydrator going is it's on it yes to dry for candy yep I never knew I like this new step into a learning curve. I'll let you know ball I feed it to I don't say what it is I want to say yum right. If they ask for another still don't say let them ask you to bring some by on your way again . Yep it's like hot pepper green cherry tomatoes. Mouth watering

  9. Leona Day
    Leona Day says:

    Oh my gosh, I live in northern Minnesota we have snow too but not nearly as much as y'all. God bless you and your family. Btw, the best way to preserve ginger is to freeze it, hope that helps

  10. Susan Anderson
    Susan Anderson says:

    I do something like that when I microwave a sandwich, a fast food burger etc. I moisten a paper towel or two, wrap it around the bread part while it's microwaving. Keeps it from getting dried out, hard


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