First Time Using My Instant Pot | VEGAN INSTANT POT CHILI

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Trying out my Instant Pot Duo for the first time! My first recipe in the Instant Pot was vegan soyrizo chili. Here’s how it went! In this video I show you: 00:00 How to …

7 replies
  1. Michael Ball
    Michael Ball says:

    Thank you for uploading this film and bringing my attention to instant pots. I really feel I must pursue a vegan diet now, hope you don't mind if I write a little about why and about my situation but I must reach out to others now and tell people about what is going on for me. My apologies of you think I am being too honest and open.
    I experienced a nervous breakdown almost a year ago now and have contended with some very debilitating and soul destroying bouts of depression since then. Things became more grim throughout the late summer and I took an overdose of opioid painkillers 4 weeks ago now. Obviously, I survived to tell the tale and now know I must 'fire all the cannons I have' in an attempt to fight my corner. Depression has been prompting me to crave unhealthy food, fizzy pop (soda), cookies, cake and meat. I learned the value of following a meat free diet before now when I was practising yoga. Now I must adopt a vegan diet to benefit from feeling light, absorbing nutrition and plant based energy and not filling myself up with stodge.
    Thank you for your inspiration and help. Please wish me luck and spare me a thought if you will as I attempt to overcome what has become an unbelievably difficult time for me.

  2. Edrina Calderon
    Edrina Calderon says:

    LOL – I loved your replay moment. That was great. All things I'd probably do as well. I've never owned an IP or have the urge to purchase one… and probably won't 🙂 I actually just used my crockpot for the first time yesterday and had similar feelings about adjusting the flavor during the actual cooking portion.

  3. Mandy Arsenault
    Mandy Arsenault says:

    Loooove my instant pot – I pretty much have not taken out a pot in years lol. I do all my food prep – noodles (definitely a learning curve but I start with warm water, add about an inch of water over the level of pasta, cook for half the time of the lowest recommended time minus 1 or two minutes, and always quick release with a cloth – if it's slightly too undercooked for you just leave it in the hot liquid for a bit), rice, steel cut oats, boiled eggs.. and then for an actual full on meal my favorite has been pork carnitas (it takes cheap cut and makes it delicious in an hour). As for liquid, I find a lot that the "full one cup" minimum is overkill – so long as there is a bit of thin liquid to steam up, you're good. Alot of the recipes I find the cooking time is unnecessarily long. For example I cook my chili for 10 minutes (I rarely use the preset buttons – just manual) and it's perfectly fine.


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