Fast Beans: Tuscan White Bean Soup–Dry Mix

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How about a delicious and beautiful Tuscan White Bean Soup ready to eat in 10 minutes! That is what you can do if you have a …

33 replies
  1. Marie Hudgeons
    Marie Hudgeons says:

    You are a joy, i really like the freeze dried products better than the dehydrated, hoping to get on but my house is small so we will see. I wish you well and a Happy Healthy New Year to you and Jim and the rest of your family. I love learning from you.

  2. mobius981
    mobius981 says:

    Fabulous. Amazing. Thank you ! (I am glad you are feeling better also!) 2 questions: How much water to rehydrate mirepoix (I have a dehydrated mix myself), and secondly, can you add the rehydration water to soup for even more flavor? I am working on a no-waste kitchen (my red wiggler worm bin helps a LOT!).No. More. Throwiing Out of Food (difficult when you are one person but I am getting there). Blessings to you and Jim!

  3. Texassews
    Texassews says:

    I am so excited about these Canning Jar Dried Soup Mixes. It just hit me that when you were so sick, all you had to basically do was grab the jar and heat it up. When you are sick and do not feel like cooking, this would be SO wonderful to have on hand. I took notes and will include this recipe in your book at the end. We have pinto beans in the freeze dryer, as I write this. I am checking our expiration dates, on the cans of food that we have, to freeze dry them when the expiration point is near. Have you tried this soup with tomato powder? You mentioned that it could be a substitution for the dehydrated tomato slices, and I am wondering if that would even be better, due to more flavor being imparted? Thank you for another great video, Pam and Jim.

  4. J Mo
    J Mo says:

    I'm so glad I finally got to watch this! Wonderful idea with putting the bullion cubes in there and I love how you separated the different vegetables in herbs for specific purposes. You never cease to impress me!

  5. Carolyn Kocman
    Carolyn Kocman says:

    So you are using freeze dried beans. I am assuming the reason is that the dehydrated ones look a bit broken up? What about just drying the canned ones? Could you do that in the dehydrator and have a better outcome? I would like to know about these alternatives as I do not have a freeze drier.

  6. Cee Park
    Cee Park says:

    I noticed you added some dehydrated beans along with freeze-dried beans in the jar. So that means you can use both in your recipes and cooking time isn't affected? Thanks for these great videos.

  7. Susan Treadwell
    Susan Treadwell says:

    Loved the video! Anxious to try the recipe. Dr Cantrel have you ever dehydrated ground beef?
    What is your opinion on doing that? There are lots of videos on doing it but I want to know what you think about it. I hope you and Jim had a very Merry Christmas! Ours was spectacular! A year ago my
    daughter-in-law was in ICU with covid. After 60 days in ICU and 45 days on a ventilator she came home. We felt very blessed this year to have our family together again for Christmas!

  8. Mel in AZ
    Mel in AZ says:

    at the green tree grocer my daughter found me a container of Italian seasoning, for 10 dollars 28 oz. nice gallon size. i whirled that up in the blender to make a powder, as didn't like the whole herb pieces. I think though that McCormick uses a bit too much rosemary. I packed some for later and have a nice amount to use now. tasty sauces indeed!

  9. Snow Lady
    Snow Lady says:

    Question…When measuring, do the freeze dried beans measure the same as the dehydrated beans? Also, would the cooking time be about the same for both? Thank you, and I'm pleased to see you feeling so much better.

  10. Bonnie Caouette
    Bonnie Caouette says:

    Hi Pam, thank you for this. What I'd like to know is how you prepared the dry beans for the FD. Last night I finished cooking up 10 cups of dry chili beans; seasoned and simmered; cooled them and then refrigerated them over night because it was very late. I rinsed the beans this morning and filled each tray; they are currently in the freezer. My hope is that I will end up with loose, FD beans.

  11. Tonette Joyce Skube
    Tonette Joyce Skube says:

    May I guess that perhaps the dehydrated beans were a bit overcooked? I cannot get a freeze dryer, so I will be experimenting with dehydrating. I am amazed that with as delicate as the freeze-dried beans were, that they did not get mooshy. What a wonderful recipe! Can't wait for more fast beans from you!

  12. EF H
    EF H says:

    It's gotten to the point in my house when you post a new video and my hubby finds out, your channel is opened on the big TV the rest of life stops. This soup recipe is fantastic! a freeze dryer is going to be a tad down the road BUT the knowledge is ever present, besides I heard tell it too comes with directions 😊. Merry New Year and Happy Christmas. 😊


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