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37 replies
  1. Angela Short
    Angela Short says:

    I buy in bulk and can meats when they are on sale as well as vacuums seal. I have about 100lbs beef and 30lbs chicken canned that will be shelf stable years in case supply issues become a huge problem. I also have the ability to run my canner via propane burner outside in the event power is out long term and I have to process my freezer full of beef. It would just be a shame to can ribeye but better than tossing it out!

  2. Random Hodgepodge
    Random Hodgepodge says:

    Convenience is absolutely a diet killer for us. There have been a few times when I've forgotten to put meat down a day or two before to thaw out. It is my nightly routine to put the meat from the freezer to fridge. If I mess up, by the time I realize it is still frozen, we are hungry and just do a quick drive through. I can't stand force thawed micro defrost. Cold water defrosting doesn't bother me but again, if forget there isn't enough time to be ready. Really need to try a sealer and precooking some of the foods for those times when the fresh isn't ready. Planning ahead and being ready so much better than relying on having to go out.

  3. Tango McPhearson
    Tango McPhearson says:

    Dr. Cywes, I wrote to your office 2 days ago requesting a list of the medicare insurance you accept – but have heard nothing. I also had a question concerning my recent blood tests. (within the last week) I have been eating carnivore for the last 10 mos – but my blood test came back showing low protein and low serum folate – which really scared me. I had RNY gastric bypass about 17 yrs ago and am trying so hard to eat as much as I can – before the blood test, I had been eating a lot of steak. I really need some help as I have concerns about malabsorption. I hope I hear from your office, as I would very much like to be a patient

  4. Stuart Wyllie
    Stuart Wyllie says:

    Alright. I’m in. Best talk on SIBO I’ve seen yet. I have raging terrible constipation. I grew up on SAD. But I’ve been sugar, gluten milk free for 20 years. Heavy alcohol use for 10 years tho. I started carnivore a month ago but I’m still very very constipated. I’ll stick with it tho. It’s a great way to eat.

  5. mirakel2012
    mirakel2012 says:

    We like the way you archive your YT video's by adding numbers in front of the main title. Very handy for new subcribers. Keep up the good work dr. Robert. Greetings from The Netherlands. GROETJES

  6. BJ Gregory
    BJ Gregory says:

    When I started taking out meat ahead of time my world changed. I always have two things in the fridge I can choose from. If I don’t have time to gill the chicken I will grab whatever else I took out. When I use one package, I take something else out right then. I just have to remember to cook the other option the following night or even for lunch for the following day.

  7. Elizabeth Rowe
    Elizabeth Rowe says:

    We have just only started using a Food Saver and although the instructions that came with it did not seem to explain the procedure too well on how to the seal the bag etc we finally worked it out after looking on YouTube how to do it correctly. We had been up to the Farmers Market to get about 3 weeks worth of meat and so as you said on your video take out what you will be having for tomorrows dinner which I have done just as I was typing this comment. Will be bagging my fresh produce which has been growing in the veg patch so a good way to preserve and cook it all at a time when needed.

  8. kccountrykid
    kccountrykid says:

    Have you done a video on why buying grass-fed beef is healthier for you? Yes, it's definitely more expensive, but I think it would give your converts some good info about why it may be worth the extra money. 🙂
    Also, I bet if you were to "promote" your meat supplier (have them "sponsor" a video) they would give you free product in exchange for the marketing. 🙂

  9. Carrie Teeps
    Carrie Teeps says:

    If anyone in Interior Alaska needs help finding meat deals or getting in touch with one of our local livestock farmers (yup, we have local farms here), please let me know. It is possible here (and I don’t mean just moose and caribou). Everything you spoke about is an absolute must here in Interior Alaska … sealers, generators, etc., We have to plan and be prepared for when the barges or trucks cannot make it up in winter. Luckily, here we have five months of unlimited, outside on the deck cooler storage (-40 temps) if a chest freezer goes out.

  10. be encouraged
    be encouraged says:

    Your just AWESOME! here is a challenge for you, how about eating meat while you do the video, like Shawn Baker and his big knife. Just messing with you, love your content.

  11. vasenpolvi
    vasenpolvi says:

    I do not want to feed plastics to my 12y son. He still has autoimmune problems and struggles to rid himself off sugar and cookies as mom does not consent to my fobia of processed foods. I feel it is the same as buying cocaine to my kid. It is me who is/was the carb addict. Adults in our family are 50+ and we could have many years ahead if we keep on the path keto/carnivore. So Me Not Too Keen to add phtalates or BPA to our foods. Otherwise vacuuming is great. Shortages can happen I admit.

  12. The Well Fed Human
    The Well Fed Human says:

    I also will prep some cuts to make my life even easier. I buy bulk boneless/skinless chicken thighs for example and will cube some of it up and freeze in 1# packages because I love to use it to make stir fry dishes like Keto Kung Pao chicken. I also throw some of those thighs in my food processor and make ground chicken thigh and freeze into 1# packages with my food sealer to make Crack Slaw. Those are both dishes that can be made in 15 minutes with almost no mess especially if the meat has been prepped before freezing! Great video topic!

  13. Christine Ramseyer
    Christine Ramseyer says:

    If you haven’t tried a Sous Vide, you need to look at them. You can take a vacuum sealed steak out of the freezer and throw it in the sous vide and then reverse sear it amazing. A roast can be put in 24 hour before at 135 degrees and then reverse sealed right before you want to eat. Easy. Fast. Simple.

  14. Melissa Sinclair
    Melissa Sinclair says:

    And that right there is the crux of being able to stick to keto. It is ever so much easier to have a bag of chips or a donut when you're too tired or worn out to want to bother with making a meal. That is especially true for me in the winter when I'm fighting winter blues. I'm the cook for the family (there's me, my non-keto spouse, a teen with autism, and a 86 year old with dementia to feed). THIS winter I did better than most winters. It wasn't perfect, but it was better. Hopefully next year will be better yet.


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